Solar Radios for Haiti 102.3 FM
We only need to raise the funds to ship them in. Please donate if you would like to be a part of this opportunity to "Get the Word out" with Ears To Hear Radio and 102.3 FM the Voice of Salvation Radio in Haiti.
Ears To Hear is a 501c3 non-profit registered in the United States and an International Non-Governmental Organization registered in the Dominican Republic.
"˜Go-Ye' radios are fix-tuned to our Christian radio station for exclusive listening to the Gospel. These Radios are tuned to 102.3 FM to be sure they reach this gospel message.
On average each radio is listened to by 10 people greatly multiplying the impact of the missionary outreach. Go-Ye radios are a great tool for short-term mission teams allowing them to leave a Gospel witness long after they've left. Go-Ye radios allow those who can't travel overseas to send a pocket sized missionary in their place.