Help Sarah Get A Diabetic Alert Dog!!
Sarah is a Type 1 Diabetic. Every day she gets insulin via a pump that is attached to her body 24 hours a day. There are many ups and downs with diabetes. With Sarah being only 3 years old (she turns 4 in a few weeks) she is hypoglycemic unaware and hyperglycemic unaware. This means she does not know when her blood sugar is low or high. Low Blood sugar can be fatal. A low blood sugar less than 40mdl can cause brain cells to die off and then comes the possibility of coma and death.
A Diabetic Alert Dog by http://www.tattletailscentdogs.com/ will give us the ability to tell when her blood sugar is low, much sooner than a normal glucose check (dog's are often 10-60 minutes ahead of what a normal meter will read) We will also be able to have the dog alert us when her blood sugar is high.