Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Underground Church Planting Project

Spende geschützt
Frontline Ministries mission is to mobilize this generation to passionately and intentionally pursue God’s glory among all peoples, and to finish His work.

Frontline is the voice for those working in closed countries. Our current project is the Underground Church Planting Project in the Middle East.

Our goal through this campaign is to raise $25,000 to develop the infrastructure that will protect the ministry, and the implementation of a training program for the underground church planting nationals.

Boaz and Mosa (names have been changed to protect their identity) are two national men ready right now to begin specialized training (they already have bible training) to plant underground churches in the Middle East.

I am asking my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for these 2 men, and the middle east, and give so that the gospel can go forth. There is no gift too small, and I know our Lord will be glorified throught this effort.


James Henline
Amelia, OH

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