Za'Layia's Legacy Garden
The Legacy Garden is dedicated to the memory of Za'Layia Jenkins a 9 year old girl, who was shot on May 5th 2016 by a stray bullet while she was watching tv during a visit to her aunts house. On May 16th 2016 Za'Layia took a turn for the worse, just 1 day before her 10th birthday the doctors told us that she had no signs of life. At that point we knew that GOD called another ANGEL home. Although our family is still grieving we wanted to turn this tradegy into a triumph, my family and I would like to build a legacy to honor Za'Layia . The Peace Garden would be located in a empty lot across the street from where she was shot. This Garden will not only honor my niece but it will stand as a memorial for all the children who lost their lives due to senseless gun violence. Za'Layia was full of life, Beautiful, vibrant, funny, an entertainer and most of all Love by many. Za"layia and all of our children have the Right to Grow Up and live full lives. Any donations would be used to purchase materials, flowers, soil, future labor and the up keep of the Garden.
I would like to thank you in advance for helping make my dream of the Peace Garden a reality!