Fit To Work: Poets Against Atos
Fit to Work: Poets Against Atos is a webzine edited by Mark Burnhope, Sophie Mayer and Daniel Sluman, with contributions from across the disability arts community and its allies. Our aim is to create a space for silenced voices and unheard messages about the politics of disability in the UK today. Our contributors' poetry is advocacy and activism in itself, but we're hoping that FTW will also become a base for further campaigning against Atos.
We are not funded by any outside organisation, and we're not selling anything. All the work on the site is free to read. If you like it, if you were moved by it, if it engaged you, we'd love it if you'd support the site and our future plans for spreading the word and changing the world with a small donation. We suggest £5, but any amount is welcome!