Artful Dreams Fund
As a mixed media artist,jewelry designer, teacher,blog writer and most recently a home decor product designer, I have grown my business over the last 15 years. I am excited to tell you that I have sold over 50 paintings and hundreds of pieces of jewelry since 2010, but in order to make it to bigger markets and gain more exposure I need cash flow. I have been creative all of my life and can remember making and creating from a very early age. I think one of my first creative memories besides fingerpainting is creating my own stencils out of paper and using them with my crayons if you can believe that! It was shortly thereafter, that I was put into the gifted art program in the middle school I attended and my love of creating continued to blossom. I also have the entrepeneurial drive. I started selling my arts and crafts in my early 20's while attending college at the University of Maryland . I would set up displays on the front porch of the house my college roomates and I shared, attracting buyers as they walked down the street. I was hooked after that. I realized for me, that there was no better feeling than connecting with others through selling my creations. As the years went on I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Art History and began exhibiting at art shows. I sold some of my art prints at the Folk Art Museum in NYC, sold framed prints through the "Yankee Sturbridge Catalog" and the "Country House Catalog" and just recently had work displayed at the Arkell Museum Art Show and was accepted into the Surface and Design Show "Surtex".
This is my calling, there is no doubt in my mind that I was born to create and to share my creations with you!
With all of that being said, in order for me to take my creative business to the next level and grow professionally, I need cash flow. Cash flow that I can use to buy art supplies, pay for art show booth and jury fees, new home decor product development and manufacturing, materials for workshops and rent at the art galleries, Artisans' Corner and Artfully Yours, where I sell my artwork, jewelry and art prints. They are located in Clinton, and Hamilton, NY.
Just like any business that wants to expand, cash flow is necessary and when your business has a growth spurt you need to have the capital to move it forward through the transition. I am in a growth spurt now and can see the potential my artwork designs have. I have just launched a print line from my artwork and sales have been great already. You can see them in my newly re-opened etsy shop by following this link. www.etsy.com/shop/shannontcrandall.com.
As a goal oriented business person, I have set the goal this year to double my sales from last year and the only way to acheive this is to develop, market and sell my artwork and related design products. I know you want to make sure you are donating money to a driven, inventive,creative entrepeneur, who will make those goals happen no matter how tough the path gets! I get that and I would want some reassurance as well. Follow this link and please take a look at my website to learn more about me and my work. www.shannoncrandall.com
I welcome all inquires,questions or comments you may have about my work, so please feel free to express those to me. One more link I want to add is my blog. To check it out follow this link. www.createsweetbliss.blogspot.com
I was recently interviewed by Mohawk Valley Living. Here is the link to the video.
My current body of work is expressive, playful and bold....it features vibrant, happy colors and lots of layers. I work intuitively, expressing what I am feeling while I am creating. My creative passion has never been stronger! I work in my studio daily creating joyful pieces that make all ages smile! See, I feel this is part of my job, to make you stop and smile and de-stress.....to help you reconnect with your playful side.... the part of you that is happy and carefree.
This is my living and I love what I do. I am so blessed to have these gifts and the support of my family and close friends. Thank you to all of you, and you know who you are,for encouraging me to push forward and live my dream! My journey has not been an easy one, but with each struggle, growth has emerged. I have learned a great deal along the way and it has been well worth it for me to be able to share my gifts and connect with you.
I am at a turning point in my creative career. This is when and where it has to happen...that big push to make it to the next level and I know you all can help me get there.
So lets get down to the nuts and bolts of this campaign. The monies' raised here will help me to:
1. Buy art supplies and continue to create new and exciting artwork and products!
2. Increase my inventory of my art prints and other merchandise that I have created with my art designs. This will enable me to widen my reach into more stores and shops, thus giving me more exposure.
3. Pay for Art show Booth Fees....(Surtex in NYC is on my list of shows I want to participate in and with a $3,600.00 booth fee it is just out of reach.This is a show where you meet with licensing agents,and manufacturers...a great place to have your artwork seen and make connections if you want to land licensing contracts! )
3. Promote and market new home decor products that feature my artwork.
4.Design and teach art workshops in person and online. This is my way of fulfilling the teacher part of me and keeping those art connections alive. It feeds my soul and inspires some of my best work. I learn as much from my students as they do from me.
5. Pay my Rent at the Galleries, where I currently show and sell my work.
I know that times are tough and I am not asking for a million dollars....just a small donation would help me achieve my goals and help me travel further down this path.
I believe art has the power to connect us....I believe art has the power to heal us......and I truly believe that without art the world would become even colder and more stressful than it already has.
I don't believe in giving and getting nothing in return. So for your generous gifts you shall be rewared! Check out the different reward levels for your generosity!
I am filled with gratitude that you took the time to read this and know that even if you aren't able to donate you can still help by sharing my page with others.
Shannon Crandall xxxxooooo