Ollie's CHEMO For Hemangiosarcoma
Ollie has been diagnosed with cardiac hemangiosarcoma which is an incurable highly aggressive cancer.
Ollie's Cancer Story:
Ollie, is my 10 year old energetic fur baby. He has been with me since 3 months, after I adopted him. He is the absolute love of my life, my buddy, my boo boo, my poo poo face. He loves everyone and through this whole ordeal has not stopped wagging his tail. He has been fairly healthy his whole life, this has all been a major shock.
Monday, October 24th:
While laying in bed Ollie jumped up and could not stand, I looked into his mouth and saw that he was bright blue. I rushed him to the emergency vet where they said there was fluid around his heart that needed to be removed. I was devastated, this happened out of nowhere, I was beside myself that this could be happening to my happy energetic, looney boy. He came home with me that night.
Bill: approx $800
Tuesday, October 25th:
I took Ollie to North Star Vet Cardiologist. She gave me the worst news possible, Ollie was diagnosed with cardiac hemangiosarcoma, which is a highly aggressive, incurable heart cancer. He has a tumor that is 1.5cmx1.6cm on the right side of his heart. Untreated it is likely that it would spread. This type of tumor is made of blood vessels which is why he had a bleed Monday, one burst. She took an echocardiogram which confirmed all of this. She forwarded me to an Oncologist.
Bill: approx $700
Thursday, October 27th:
I responded back to North Star Vet and spoke to the Oncologist who said we could give Ollie a great quality of life and possible extend it another 6 months. This may not be the option for all people, but I feel as though it is not Ollie's time. He is still as active as ever, although I need to try and keep him calm! We will start a chemo plan, 5 treatments every 3 weeks. He may have minor side effects, lethargy and nausea. I was sent home with anti-nausea pills in case this happens. His is also on a natural supplement Yunnan Baiyao which should help with preventing another bleed.
Bill: approx $600
Medical Bills:
At this point we have already paid $2,100.
Every chemo appointment will be in the range of $400-700. This will include the chemo meds, blood work to see where his cell count is at and checking if the chemo is having any positive or negative effects on the tumor. (It will hopefully decrease in size)
As you can see it is already starting to add up. Although it is difficult to ask for help, I know that any help and support at this time will help.
I will keep everyone up to date with Ollie's journey. I will spoil him every chance I get and be grateful for every moment we have left with him.