A Safer Playground for Padmore
Firstly, THANK YOU to all who supported the Padmore School Lunch Campaign. We achieved the goal and the 'fridge and stove have been installed (see pictures on the Padmore Lunch Campaign at GoFundMe). A new campaign has now started to renovate and refurbish the play area (yard) at the school. I have visited the school and can personally attest to the deplorable state of the outside area where the children play. Cracked and broken concrete, with chunks missing is extremely dangerous. This is a nightmare for small knees and legs resulting in lots of cuts and bruising. Thegoal of this campaign is to raise funds for a landscaped play area with child-friendly non-toxic rubberized padding.
Remember many hands make light work, let's reach this goal in record time - no donation too small (OR LARGE!)
Thank you - Sheron Hamilton-Pearson who acts with the full support of Keisha Hayles Principal of Padmore Primary School.