Carly's health recovery plan
Donation protected
From Donna:
"I am setting up a crowd funding page for my sister Carly in order to finance her ongoing and upcoming health costs and recovery from severe chronic illness....
I would really appreciate your support in trying everything possible to get my Sister back to some form of 'normal' life & health. We are all guilty of taking health for granted, myself included; but after seeing first hand how it truly impacts a life and dreams I really feel I need to ask for as much help as possible for my Sister's recovery....
The truthful, harsh reality of chronic illness is that it is messy and complex.....especially as the body begins to become more and more burdened, but we have to wade through, unravel each layer, look for clues, create a team; and find a way to rebuild.
If you wish to donate any amount, or have any fundraising suggestions we would all be eternally grateful and would love to hear from you.
Thank you for reading this and for your support.
Donna xx"
Carly's Story:
Carly was diagnosed with CFS/ME 22 years ago when at age 16 she went from completely healthy and active to sick. She came down with a flu virus ovenight which just never really went away, and from here she was left to just get worse and worse.
A few years into the illness, after pushing through university and securing her degree Carly crashed completely, became incredibly sick and totally bedbound. She remained this way for a good while, and since then has worked hard and does all she can - in every possible way- to support her system - and keep afloat. But she remained primarly housebound and is still severely affected to this day.
The NHS have been able to diagnose various syndromes and illness' over time even if they cannot treat them .....
Autoimmune Hypothyroidism - Adrenal Insufficiency/ suspected Addisons - Hypermobility Syndrome - POTS - mild Lupus - Immune Deficiency.
And privately we have discovered that she has Parvo B19 Virus (yet rarely she is no longer producing antibodies to fight this infection). This virus therefore remains at large and explains why she feels as though she has the Flu every single day. It is because she actually does!
We have discoverd too that Lyme Disease* and many Genetic mutations and issues including RCCX abnormalities are in the picture, and may have been the intial culprits which triggered the cascade.
Any one of these illness's would be justifyably devastating and impactual on their own - for every reason - especially taking into account the length of time; but all-together you can get a sense of how complex and all-consuming this really is. It is highly dangerous to rush in at this point and needs a very fine tuned approach.
In the past year Carly's health has deteriorated even further and she can no longer tolerate any form of medication or supplements.
She very much believes it's possible to recover or at least massively improve her health.
Looking back now we can the picture quite clearly: How an infection(s) severely took down her immune and endocrine system, until she reached a point where she couldn't function. No support was given when she was strong enough - and the body broke down further. Thus at present her weak system is overloaded and treatments are crashing her thyroid and adrenals severely which is dangerous. At this point Addison's Disease is being looked into again following recent low cortisol results and worrying new symptoms. This will likely need adressing before she can stabilise in any way.
Ultimately we now very much need to balance/support her adrenals - whilst we implement a plan to then quickly re-introduce thryoid medication and nutrients. Followed by reducing the infection load and bringing up the immune system.
This needs to be done very carefully and thoughtfully indeed, and is not avaliable mainstream. Thus intially we will need approx 2-3K to begin to find a team who can manage this as the first phase in our long term plan.
Thank you so much for reading this, and for your support. We are so grateful.
Carly, Donna + Family xx
(*Lyme Disease ((and co-infections)) is a tick bourne infection, which can often go un-noticed for many years, At some point a stress trigger (like getting Flu) may kick it into gear. Once is it activated it quickly affects every system in the body and explains why sufferers dont always respond well to various treatments. It causes a downstream effect on organs and the immune system. Once the body is so compromised it cannot fight off infections and so things just accumulate and get worse. This is called Late Stage Lyme Disease.)
Carly writes a blog at www.carlyjennings.co.uk and continues to inspire many people and pass on health and healing information. When she recovers she would like to help other people to get well, and will do all she can to pay any generosity forward.
P.S - Read Carly's inital 'Thankyou Blog Post' HERE -http://living-brightly.com/health-healing/my-fundraising-update/

Donna Louise Carré