Filipina Breast Cancer Support Services
Pilipino Senior Resource Center (PSRC) is raising funds for the Filipina Breast Cancer Support Services Program (FBCSSP) for education, outreach, support group, and navigation services in a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting. Our mission is to offer comprehensive services to newly-diagnosed patients and survivors - especially those who have limited English capacity - to help cope with their fearful experience and to navigate resources in the community. We started our program, Buong Puso (Whole Heart), as an expansion of the navigation services of the FBCSSP. With the money raised, we could maintain all our programs and reach out to more Filipinas who are affected by breast cancer. Thank you for your support!. This was posted before the Yolanda Typhoon struck the Phillipines , but still I want to continue and give 50% to the typhoon victims and help our Kababayan who are victims for rehabilitation,I know its never late to give and show our support "pakikiramay". Again thank you so much for your support.
Isidra Esther Macaraeg
San Francisco, CA
Pilipino Senior Resource Center