"Garf"-Vet bills & amputation costs
Donation protected
My husband Nathan and I have lived in Barnstead, NH for 6 years. We bought a modest ranch style house that was a fixer-upper but had great potential, back in 2009. It is on a relatively quiet street, along the Suncook river and across from a beautiful cemetery across the street. We have 3 male (neutered) cats of our own that are indoor cats. We have had other kitties through the 11 years that we have been together, that we have rescued from not-so-friendly environments, homes that couldn't keep them, or whatever other reasons that a home was necessary for different cats. Needless to say we are both cat-lovers and would do anything to help any cat in need. Well, about 2 years ago is when we first started noticing a cute, goofy looking, male, orange tiger cat that would come on our property every couple days. We would put out some food and water, he would eat and drink and go on his way. Being an orange tiger cat, with an awkwardly large head, crooked ears and silly looking eyes, he reminded us of the animated "Garfield"... So we decided to name him "Garf" for short. He would show up, purring like crazy, and although cautious at first, quickly became friendly with us and comfortable enough to let us pet him, brush him, and even pick him up. He loved it. He really took well to my husband Nathan, and when Nathan picks him up, "Garf" curls right up into his arms and snuggles his head right into his arms and just can't seem to get close enough to him. He is so amazingly sweet and such a love. He has to be one of the sweetest cats we have ever had the pleasure of having in our lives.... Then 2 weeks ago, we woke to find him on our front porch, with his front leg badly injured.... (This is where my Facebook posts pick up the rest of "Garf's" story, so I have just copied and pasted my 2 posts that explain what has gone on with this little cutie we call "Garf".... Brace yourselves for a heartbreaking tale of our goofy looking, fur-baby friend "Garf".)
Chari Hanson-Gauntt
Facebook post #1- Tuesday 7am.
Operation "Garf" is in full swing this morning! The hubby and I have been feeding and looking after a stray orange tiger cat that has been hanging around our property for about 2 years or so.... He is sooo cute, but has silly looking eyes, a large head and crooked ears.... But he is soooo sweet. He is strictly an outdoor cat, and we already have 3 male indoor cats of our own, so we don't want to take him out of the outdoor environment he knows and loves, so he just walks around the neighborhood and sticks to himself mostly. He is the sweetest cat in the world and appears to have been abandoned from quite some time ago and is just naturally drawn to us. Well.... almost 3 weeks ago he showed up one morning with a severely broken leg... He must have either gotten in a fight or heaven forbid, he got hit by a car, or something.... So we have been trying to let him to come to us enough and be comfortable enough to get him into a travel carrier so we can take him to a local vet, to get him checked out and fixed up. Knowing how expensive it is to take any animal to the vet, is the hard part..... But we love this cat so much, we can't stand to see him suffer and decided there is no choice but to take him anyway. So I called around and based on referrals from friends and such, found this vet that has some connections to local animal organizations that offer to pay and help with the costs of taking care of abandoned animals and help with costs related to spaying and neutering. So we have been trying to get him to come to us, so we can take him in to the vet to get checked out... Well, every time he has been coming around enough to get close to putting him in the carrier, it has been after-hours or the vet is closed, or he runs away when we get the carrier in his sight (he knows)... Well, after an almost 3 week struggle, with the hubby's help, "Garf" and I are in route to the vet! Yay! We can't believe it but a local organization offered to pay to have him checked out, x-rayed, fix his leg, groom him, and even NEUTER him for FREE! Unbelievable. Thank you "Animal Allies" for offering to help with the initial check up and neutering of our friend "Garf". The hubby and I are so happy to finally have gotten him during normal hours so we can bring him to get all fixed up and feel better! Hang on "Garfy"..... they are going to take good care of you boy. Don't worry.... Then you will come back home real soon! Just stay calm and I'm sure the vet will love you just as much as we do! Xoxo
Your adoptive Mommy and Daddy
Chari Hanson-Gauntt Nathan Gauntt
Heartbreaking update...
Facebook post #2- Tuesday 3pm
We have some extremely disturbing news to report about "Garf", the stray kitty that we have been feeding and caring for whenever he comes around (see my previous post).... Well, first and foremost... He is safe at the vet, and resting comfortably... HOWEVER... We got a call from the vetenarian with the very disturbing news that it appears that "Garf" was intentionally SHOT by someone, with possibly a BB gun or more likely, a regular gun, and completely shattered his front leg and the entire bone and elbow joint is literally, GONE. There is metal shrapnel throughout his whole front leg, where a bullet of some sort, hit his bone and scattered throughout the leg. Not only is that the disturbing news... but THERE'S MORE.... It also appears that this is NOT the first time he has been shot at apparantly! He also has metal shrapnel in his back leg where he appears to have been shot at, months or years ago even, and his back leg healed incorrectly. So he is permanently disfigured in the rear which is something we can't do anything about... but the damage to his front leg is so incredibly severe, that the vet is recommending we have his leg AMPUTATED! UN-real.... Who would do something so sick? :( I can't believe there are people in our neighborhood or anywhere at all, who would intentionally SHOOT at and hurt an innocent animal like this. We are (and the vet is) doing everything we can to keep him comfortable and as pain free as possible as he recovers from the work that was done on him today. The surgery to amputate his leg, will hopefully be scheduled for the coming days so he can re-learn to walk and live life as an INDOOR cat now, since staying an outdoor cat is no longer safe for him to be, when he has only 3 legs, clearly. So he is definitely in the right place and resting comfortably right now... But we ask that you please pray for a quick recovery for "Garf" and send good, healing thoughts his way. Thank you all for the support.... We are happy to report his vet bills for the neutering and immediate fixes from TODAY, have been graciously covered by the local organization called "Animal Allies", and we are hoping his vet bills for ALL od his needs will be partially taken care of by "Animal Allies" as well, but we aren't sure yet. They have been great through this whole process with "Garf"... But who knows how much this surgery is going to cost.... especially the amputation..... yikes! The prep work, tests, labs, the procedure of amputation itself, pain management, medications, recovery, etc... I can't even begin to imagine how expensive this is going to end up being. God, I wish money grew on trees.... ugh. So we can't thank "Animal Allies" enough for all of their help... And as much as we don't want to ask for monetary help from anyone, the only thing we can think of is that since we have received a lot of interest from our facebook friends who want to know how they can help... Well, the best way we can come up with for you to help at this point, is to make a donation to "Animal Allies" **to help heal "Garf"** specifically, or make a donation through our new GoFundMe page "Garf"-Vet bills & amputation costs"... Our hopes are that enough money will be raised to help the cost of getting "Garf" back up, healthy and learning to get around on 3 legs and adjust to a new norm as an indoor cat. Thoughts and prayers would be great. Thank you to everyone for all of the kind words and support. We are doing all that we can to help this amazing kitty who was abandoned locally and has now been brutally abused and shot at by some sick person. Thanks for all the support everyone! "Garf" is forever greatful for the care he is now receiving.... We will keep everyone updated! xoxo
So ultimately, we are starting this go fund me page (and also trying to raise funds through the "Animal Allies" website itself, if it is possible to do so) to raise some money to pay for "Garf's" amputation as well as both his immediate and long-term care that he will most certainly require. "Animal Allies" has offered so graciously to pay for a lot of the tests and treatments that took place today, including his neutering.... But with so many more expenses to come, we would love to raise some funds to be able to put towards "Garf's" immediate care, amputation and after care. Any little bit can help. If, by chance, we raise more money than is needed for "Garf's" needs, then we will happily donate additional funds to "Animal Allies", so they can continue to help the local animals that they help on a daily basis, with medical care, placement, foster care, adoption, spaying/neutering, among other forms of help that they offer animals that are in need of a little love and care. So if you are able to donate anything at all, it would be greatly appreciated. There is no donation too small. Thank you all in advance, and Nathan and I are truly honored to have you all in our lives and "Garf" is in great hands at Suncook River Animal Hospital in Epsom, NH tonight, and we hope to soon schedule his leg amputation and keep him comfortable in the process. Thank you all in advance for your donations, thoughts, prayers and kind words. Xoxo
-Chari and Nathan Gauntt- Barnstead, NH

Chari Hanson-Gauntt
Facebook post #1- Tuesday 7am.
Operation "Garf" is in full swing this morning! The hubby and I have been feeding and looking after a stray orange tiger cat that has been hanging around our property for about 2 years or so.... He is sooo cute, but has silly looking eyes, a large head and crooked ears.... But he is soooo sweet. He is strictly an outdoor cat, and we already have 3 male indoor cats of our own, so we don't want to take him out of the outdoor environment he knows and loves, so he just walks around the neighborhood and sticks to himself mostly. He is the sweetest cat in the world and appears to have been abandoned from quite some time ago and is just naturally drawn to us. Well.... almost 3 weeks ago he showed up one morning with a severely broken leg... He must have either gotten in a fight or heaven forbid, he got hit by a car, or something.... So we have been trying to let him to come to us enough and be comfortable enough to get him into a travel carrier so we can take him to a local vet, to get him checked out and fixed up. Knowing how expensive it is to take any animal to the vet, is the hard part..... But we love this cat so much, we can't stand to see him suffer and decided there is no choice but to take him anyway. So I called around and based on referrals from friends and such, found this vet that has some connections to local animal organizations that offer to pay and help with the costs of taking care of abandoned animals and help with costs related to spaying and neutering. So we have been trying to get him to come to us, so we can take him in to the vet to get checked out... Well, every time he has been coming around enough to get close to putting him in the carrier, it has been after-hours or the vet is closed, or he runs away when we get the carrier in his sight (he knows)... Well, after an almost 3 week struggle, with the hubby's help, "Garf" and I are in route to the vet! Yay! We can't believe it but a local organization offered to pay to have him checked out, x-rayed, fix his leg, groom him, and even NEUTER him for FREE! Unbelievable. Thank you "Animal Allies" for offering to help with the initial check up and neutering of our friend "Garf". The hubby and I are so happy to finally have gotten him during normal hours so we can bring him to get all fixed up and feel better! Hang on "Garfy"..... they are going to take good care of you boy. Don't worry.... Then you will come back home real soon! Just stay calm and I'm sure the vet will love you just as much as we do! Xoxo
Your adoptive Mommy and Daddy
Chari Hanson-Gauntt Nathan Gauntt
Heartbreaking update...
Facebook post #2- Tuesday 3pm
We have some extremely disturbing news to report about "Garf", the stray kitty that we have been feeding and caring for whenever he comes around (see my previous post).... Well, first and foremost... He is safe at the vet, and resting comfortably... HOWEVER... We got a call from the vetenarian with the very disturbing news that it appears that "Garf" was intentionally SHOT by someone, with possibly a BB gun or more likely, a regular gun, and completely shattered his front leg and the entire bone and elbow joint is literally, GONE. There is metal shrapnel throughout his whole front leg, where a bullet of some sort, hit his bone and scattered throughout the leg. Not only is that the disturbing news... but THERE'S MORE.... It also appears that this is NOT the first time he has been shot at apparantly! He also has metal shrapnel in his back leg where he appears to have been shot at, months or years ago even, and his back leg healed incorrectly. So he is permanently disfigured in the rear which is something we can't do anything about... but the damage to his front leg is so incredibly severe, that the vet is recommending we have his leg AMPUTATED! UN-real.... Who would do something so sick? :( I can't believe there are people in our neighborhood or anywhere at all, who would intentionally SHOOT at and hurt an innocent animal like this. We are (and the vet is) doing everything we can to keep him comfortable and as pain free as possible as he recovers from the work that was done on him today. The surgery to amputate his leg, will hopefully be scheduled for the coming days so he can re-learn to walk and live life as an INDOOR cat now, since staying an outdoor cat is no longer safe for him to be, when he has only 3 legs, clearly. So he is definitely in the right place and resting comfortably right now... But we ask that you please pray for a quick recovery for "Garf" and send good, healing thoughts his way. Thank you all for the support.... We are happy to report his vet bills for the neutering and immediate fixes from TODAY, have been graciously covered by the local organization called "Animal Allies", and we are hoping his vet bills for ALL od his needs will be partially taken care of by "Animal Allies" as well, but we aren't sure yet. They have been great through this whole process with "Garf"... But who knows how much this surgery is going to cost.... especially the amputation..... yikes! The prep work, tests, labs, the procedure of amputation itself, pain management, medications, recovery, etc... I can't even begin to imagine how expensive this is going to end up being. God, I wish money grew on trees.... ugh. So we can't thank "Animal Allies" enough for all of their help... And as much as we don't want to ask for monetary help from anyone, the only thing we can think of is that since we have received a lot of interest from our facebook friends who want to know how they can help... Well, the best way we can come up with for you to help at this point, is to make a donation to "Animal Allies" **to help heal "Garf"** specifically, or make a donation through our new GoFundMe page "Garf"-Vet bills & amputation costs"... Our hopes are that enough money will be raised to help the cost of getting "Garf" back up, healthy and learning to get around on 3 legs and adjust to a new norm as an indoor cat. Thoughts and prayers would be great. Thank you to everyone for all of the kind words and support. We are doing all that we can to help this amazing kitty who was abandoned locally and has now been brutally abused and shot at by some sick person. Thanks for all the support everyone! "Garf" is forever greatful for the care he is now receiving.... We will keep everyone updated! xoxo
So ultimately, we are starting this go fund me page (and also trying to raise funds through the "Animal Allies" website itself, if it is possible to do so) to raise some money to pay for "Garf's" amputation as well as both his immediate and long-term care that he will most certainly require. "Animal Allies" has offered so graciously to pay for a lot of the tests and treatments that took place today, including his neutering.... But with so many more expenses to come, we would love to raise some funds to be able to put towards "Garf's" immediate care, amputation and after care. Any little bit can help. If, by chance, we raise more money than is needed for "Garf's" needs, then we will happily donate additional funds to "Animal Allies", so they can continue to help the local animals that they help on a daily basis, with medical care, placement, foster care, adoption, spaying/neutering, among other forms of help that they offer animals that are in need of a little love and care. So if you are able to donate anything at all, it would be greatly appreciated. There is no donation too small. Thank you all in advance, and Nathan and I are truly honored to have you all in our lives and "Garf" is in great hands at Suncook River Animal Hospital in Epsom, NH tonight, and we hope to soon schedule his leg amputation and keep him comfortable in the process. Thank you all in advance for your donations, thoughts, prayers and kind words. Xoxo
-Chari and Nathan Gauntt- Barnstead, NH

Chari Hanson-Gauntt
Barnstead, NH