Zombiepalooza Radio: Resurrection
Donation protected
Hello to all you zombophiles, and others!
I'm Jackie Chin, the Creator and Host of Zombiepalooza Radio; probably one of the most unique radio programs on or off the internet. Although most of the material is zombie themed the actual content is about the authors, actors, musicians, artists and the entire spectrum of entertainment venues this encompasses. I'm pretty certain most of you know this so I'm going to turn things over to our Executive Producer.
My name is K R Chin, better known as Storm to most of you; I'm the Executive Producer of Zombiepalooza Radio. This means that most of the time I stay behind the scenes while Jackie, our beloved Host and Producer/Director, handles the tasks associated with scouting for and recruiting the guests, in addition to running the show itself.
It's become rather more complicated lately
You see, we carry the entire costs of the show ourselves and my regular job simply doesn't pay enough to take care of it. I did have a couple of outside sources of revenue but those have fallen by the wayside. Although one of them did say that if business picks up again they'd put me back on contract in a moment. Which brings us to why this page has been put up.
Right now, corporate sponsorships are hard to come by, and the few which have, have wanted a hand on the helm. This would mean that Jackie would have to take control of the show from the AUDIENCE, you kind folks, and put it into the hands of someone who's motives are unknown to us .... and perhaps not in the best interests of the AUDIENCE.
Jackie won't have anything to do with selling you folks out because YOU are the reason for the show's popularity.
So now we're forced to do something we never imagined we'd have to do .... as with public radio and television, in order for Jackie to maintain her neutrality and responsiveness to the AUDIENCE we need to ask for your help. We need donations to keep it running for the next year and for Jackie to be able to make it to the venues she's been asked to carry the show to for live broadcasts. She'd also like to begin having contests with the ability to supply the prizes on a more timely basis rather than having the winners wait until we can get the prize out to them.
Using rough estimates, we figure that the average cost per month, for the show is probably right around 400.00 per month. Four thousand eight hundred dollars per year; quite a low figure for ANY radio show. Averaging out the cost between the lowest and highest cost for transportation, a nice hotel room (she doesn't crave extravagant but she'd like to avoid the NoTell Motel with Norman for the night clerk) food, shipping of her equipment and local transportation it came out to about two thousand for the two large shows she's been asked to this year.
Could we use more for the show?
But what we're hoping will happen, is that a corporate sponsor will take notice, AGREE with Jackie's terms and step forward to help with the production.
We're not currently planning on stopping production but it certainly is a possibility.
So please, take a look and see if there's anything you can do to help, later on, after I've had the chance to finalize a few things, I'll be posting a list of incentives for those who are able to make a donation ... so keep your eyes on this page.

Kenneth Chin
Warren, OH