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Colorectal Cancer Advocacy

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In June 2010 my husband, at age 37, was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. Six months later, following genetic testing, it was determined that he also has Lynch Syndrome. A person with Lynch Syndrome has up to an 80% risk of colon cancer, often at a young age. Our two young kids both have a 50% chance of having inherited Lynch. In the last year or so I have advocated to bring more awareness to both Lynch Syndrome and the importance of screening for colon cancer.

In March am returning to Washington DC. This time with the Colon Cancer Alliance and Fight Colorectal Cancer to "Call on Congress" about early intervention and screening for colorectal cancer, quality treatment options for patients and funding for research.

As the leading advocacy group, Fight Colorectal Cancer serves as a resource for colorectal cancer patients, grassroots advocates, policy makers, medical professionals and healthcare providers.

For this event I will have two days of advocacy training before spending the third day on the "Hill" visiting the offices of my representatives and senators. At the end of the third day is a celebration/awards dinner and ceremony.

Financial contributions will help to offset various travel expenses associated with my advocacy work. These trips are important so I can bring information back to my home town and share with those in my social media circles.

Thank you!


Heather Dampf
Dodgeville, WI

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