Hello! My name is Charlie, for the past
several years I started my own business making stereo systems, business cards,
led lanterns, comic book artwork, necklaces, Iron man Arc Reactors and anything
I could imagine from laser cut pieces I done at Techshop. Techshop is a co-op
facility that gives members access to all their machinery. I was fond of the
laser cutter since it was simple and efficient to use. The issues with co-op
facilities are they limit each member to certain amount of time, at Techshop it
was a 2 hr time frame twice a week. Sometimes before your 2 hours are over
someone is hovering over you for the machine. So it didn't give me much time
to design and make things I wanted to. Now that my membership has expired, I'm
trying to raise funds for my own personal laser cutter to keep my dreams alive.
I ask for your donations because I can't afford to purchase the laser
cutter on my own. The funds will go towards purchasing Epilog Helix 24.
Epilog Helix 24
also has free designs to assist me in starting my business.
When I
reach my goal I would be able to start right away without a hitch.