"Humpty Dumpty was really a Blonde"
Welcome friends and associates:
At the age of 37, I became permanently disabled from a slip and fall shattering my right elbow. This opened up the Pandora's Box to the hidden illness within my head, a pituitary brain tumor called Cushing's Disease. My body was mass producing the hormone cortisol which has affected after 11 years nearly every part of me. 22 surgeries to date with more to follow. A plethora of disorders, diseases, diagnosis to remain with me for the remainder of my life.
My dream is to return somehow to the work force and eventually be self supportive regarding income verses remaining on social security disability income.
As a young Certified Financial Planner starting out my business in California in 2003 the one thing I neglected to acquire was disability insurance, the biggest mistake of my life. Without income or the ability to earn it, your life quickly ends as you know it, at this point all professional licenses and affiliations are gone.
Part of my story may be viewed on the Council for Disability Awareness, www.disabilitycanhappen.org. Click on my photograph and view a five minute video from three years ago. Much has changed since then especially coming close to death three times.
I survived for a reason, there was a plan for my endless suffering and young life.
In early April, I have the incredible opportunity to present a speech at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs CO for employee benefits personnel. View www.BenefitsSellingExpo.com. Title of my speech is "Humpty Dumpty was really a Blonde", Voluntary Benefits Tract. This is my opportunity to share my story and life experiences to a large audience, every attendee a potential employer to hire me to speak or write for their organization.
It is the opportunity of a lifetime however, no longer do I have the savings or credit available to cover the expenses to get me to the ventue. Every investment or money saved has been long gone.
What requires to be covered are travel, hotel, food, car rental, gas, escort/attendant fees (as I cannot travel alone).
As well, very much would like to reinstate some of my former professional licenses and associations and receive a Certified Voluntary Benefits Specialist designation.
Either this adventure and speaking engagement will be my swan song or the Rising of a Phoenix.
Greatly appreciate your consideration and support to help me have a second chance in life in order to help others, so they do not suffer as severly in every aspect of their lives as I have.
Monica Soltes