Rider! Cook! Export fund
Well! Now that the initial export goal has been funded, I'm very grateful. And already at work on upcoming videos! There's no great need for further funding, but if anybody is still interested in the reward levels listed below, then any further donations will go to up the quality and/or complexity of future recipes. Not to mention the potential quality or complexity of the filming.
Keep your eye out for video updates! Thanks again.
Claire, Feb 2014
Let's GO! Rider! Cook! episode one is filmed, edited, and ready to go. But I can't export it without the ScreenFlow watermark "DEMO MODE" floating in front of everything, making it look shocking. ScreenFlow is $99, which is approximately £60--£60 I don't have.
Sucks for me, but sucks for you too maybe, because I think that Let's GO! Rider! Cook! is a solid concept! Fun Rider chat, delicious Rider recipes, and companionship while you make them. I have a document full of planned Rider Recipe episodes, and you've already seen the photo recipe for Gaim & Baron's Snack of Friendship. You've seen The Peach Rider, Malika, Digest! This is a series I can continue to make, to benefit and entertain you (and me).
The job market is "not the best" and I can't forsee when I will have a spare £60 that doesn't need to go on rent/bills/bike insurance/glasses/petrol/whatevs. If I have to wait to make this show, I will. But I've been waiting already, and I'm raring to go!