Micro-Business Expansion
Donation protected
Hello World! My name is Julia Dinsmore and I am asking for help to grow my micro-business into a self-sustaining social enterprise.
What I Do
I'm a poet, singer, songwriter, story teller, author, educator and community capacity builder. Sometimes cities or regions host me for several day or weekly Residencies that inspire more care and inclusion with and among marginalized citizens. Mentoring community helpers and students is something I've done nearly every day for over three decades. There is much more to tell about, but want to keep this short. I would love to shift my energy from juggling umteen part time jobs to the focus of growing my business!

Grandma Julia schooling next generation of Lutheran Community Organizers from Detroit, D.C. and Lutheran Volunteer Corps at Redeemer Center For Life, North Mpls., 2014. "As I was sitting there listening to you, this was my thought. I teach about Israel's prophets, most of whom are poets, and this woman is nothing less than their 'descendant. What you did was not just poetry, it was in-your-face, prophetic, rhetorical combat. Nicely done." - Michael Chan
"My Name Is Not Those People" is a poem I wrote in 1992 that spread around the planet. It is especially cherished by people experiencing generational poverty. I found it while on youtube one day with Danny Glover reading "My Name Is Not Those People." Here is the link.

My poetry speaks to universal experiences. This picture is me and lovely Aisha Khan at a Muslim Christian Dialogue in Minneapolis, 2013. A Interfaith Multi-Faith program from the Minnesota Council of Churches.
Several Masters Theses have been written about the text of this poem. Senator Paul Wellstone read it in its entirety on the floor of the U.S. Senate and was on C-Span even. "Not Those People" has been translated into several languages. The power of a poem! There are so many interesting stories about poem's adventures I've got a whole chapter devoted to their telling in my next book.
After 25+ years traveling around the U.S. sharing my stories and poetry at Universities, Faith Communities, Govt. and Community Agencies I did what many people told me to do. I wrote a book.

"One of the 4 books that inspired me to do what I do in life. Thank you Mama Julia. God Bless and God Speed." - Todd 'Preacher' Finney
Order my book here
There is so much written about us (people who've experienced poverty) but very little by us, so book is a valid walk in a world less heard from. It is increasingly being used for required reading in University courses. Yeah! Academia has been studying my poetry for decades for free, so now it's good they are using book.

"Wonderful, inspiring book by a brave, intelligent, beautiful soul. So lucky to know this lady." - Jeremy Reichenberger HECUA Class 2013
One day when computer was brand new to me, someone suggested to google my name. (I thought google was some kind of animal) Poem was found in countless places; sermons, trainings, newspapers, plays, domestic abuse shelters, support groups, and even a Sociology text book. My son asked, "Mama why you got a world famous poem and we're still on food stamps?" That is when I began making "interactive wall art" hangings of a few of my poems. They help inspire conversations on topics we don't know how to discuss well.

I recorded 13 original songs onto a CD too.
(me in the kitchen before my hair fell out)
Why I've Created a Go Fund Me Campaign
The world hasn't done a good job creating budgets to pay people who are Community Scholars, Social Change Artists, and Story Tellers. My work assisting people to understand themselves and others in the context of a class society has been out ahead of funding curves for several decades. I was never chosen to receive grants from arts or social change philanthropy orgs, so I gave up trying. My offerings don't fit snugly into categories so there is nothing to do but keep it moving.
Though speaking, performance and educating fees have been small, my impacts upon audiences are substantial. I know this because people tell about transformative growth in understanding after spending time with me, book, stories and song.
I can support myself much better when speaker's fees are augmented by product sales. I hope this crowd funding effort meets with success!
If by some miracle this ask could grow wings and fly to some of the countless folk who have used my poetry, I think they would be happy to contribute to my well being!

"An Inside Look at Poverty" program designed by HECUA student Julie Ann Orenstein at Hillel Umn, 2014. A wonderful evening!
What I'd Do With Funds
I desire to raise enough money to:
Manufacture large batches of my two wallhangings, buy a bunch of my books, and re-release my music CD so I can sell them at speaking and teaching engagements.
Monies will also support me while re-tooling "My Name Is Child of God..." to be more text-book friendly. Six new essays and chapter discussion prompts are planned, along with an "Interactive Web Site" for instructors and students.
My new book, "Notes From Purgatory Creek" is in process and I want to present it by March 2015.
I wish to hire help with; Branding, Marketing, Web Site and Social Media Management.
There are two professional development trainings I'd love to attend with Communication Accross Barriers in Portland and Circles USA.
These investments will allow me to expand my business as an artist and educator, to reach more people in schools, community organizations, faith communities and other places. I can share my products and create authentic experiences for audiences.
I'm worn out from tragedy visiting my doorstep too often, but believe I have a few more good years to work this labor of love! My gifts and talents are valuable and needed by our world. I want to contribute what is uniquely mine to give, towards making a place for everyone at the table of life and domains of citizen engagement.
THANK YOU in advance for any assistance that will move my dream of economic self-sufficiency into a Real Deal Reality!
Blessings! Julia Dinsmore
What I Do
I'm a poet, singer, songwriter, story teller, author, educator and community capacity builder. Sometimes cities or regions host me for several day or weekly Residencies that inspire more care and inclusion with and among marginalized citizens. Mentoring community helpers and students is something I've done nearly every day for over three decades. There is much more to tell about, but want to keep this short. I would love to shift my energy from juggling umteen part time jobs to the focus of growing my business!

Grandma Julia schooling next generation of Lutheran Community Organizers from Detroit, D.C. and Lutheran Volunteer Corps at Redeemer Center For Life, North Mpls., 2014. "As I was sitting there listening to you, this was my thought. I teach about Israel's prophets, most of whom are poets, and this woman is nothing less than their 'descendant. What you did was not just poetry, it was in-your-face, prophetic, rhetorical combat. Nicely done." - Michael Chan
"My Name Is Not Those People" is a poem I wrote in 1992 that spread around the planet. It is especially cherished by people experiencing generational poverty. I found it while on youtube one day with Danny Glover reading "My Name Is Not Those People." Here is the link.

My poetry speaks to universal experiences. This picture is me and lovely Aisha Khan at a Muslim Christian Dialogue in Minneapolis, 2013. A Interfaith Multi-Faith program from the Minnesota Council of Churches.
Several Masters Theses have been written about the text of this poem. Senator Paul Wellstone read it in its entirety on the floor of the U.S. Senate and was on C-Span even. "Not Those People" has been translated into several languages. The power of a poem! There are so many interesting stories about poem's adventures I've got a whole chapter devoted to their telling in my next book.
After 25+ years traveling around the U.S. sharing my stories and poetry at Universities, Faith Communities, Govt. and Community Agencies I did what many people told me to do. I wrote a book.

"One of the 4 books that inspired me to do what I do in life. Thank you Mama Julia. God Bless and God Speed." - Todd 'Preacher' Finney
Order my book here
There is so much written about us (people who've experienced poverty) but very little by us, so book is a valid walk in a world less heard from. It is increasingly being used for required reading in University courses. Yeah! Academia has been studying my poetry for decades for free, so now it's good they are using book.

"Wonderful, inspiring book by a brave, intelligent, beautiful soul. So lucky to know this lady." - Jeremy Reichenberger HECUA Class 2013
One day when computer was brand new to me, someone suggested to google my name. (I thought google was some kind of animal) Poem was found in countless places; sermons, trainings, newspapers, plays, domestic abuse shelters, support groups, and even a Sociology text book. My son asked, "Mama why you got a world famous poem and we're still on food stamps?" That is when I began making "interactive wall art" hangings of a few of my poems. They help inspire conversations on topics we don't know how to discuss well.

I recorded 13 original songs onto a CD too.
(me in the kitchen before my hair fell out)

Why I've Created a Go Fund Me Campaign
The world hasn't done a good job creating budgets to pay people who are Community Scholars, Social Change Artists, and Story Tellers. My work assisting people to understand themselves and others in the context of a class society has been out ahead of funding curves for several decades. I was never chosen to receive grants from arts or social change philanthropy orgs, so I gave up trying. My offerings don't fit snugly into categories so there is nothing to do but keep it moving.
Though speaking, performance and educating fees have been small, my impacts upon audiences are substantial. I know this because people tell about transformative growth in understanding after spending time with me, book, stories and song.
I can support myself much better when speaker's fees are augmented by product sales. I hope this crowd funding effort meets with success!
If by some miracle this ask could grow wings and fly to some of the countless folk who have used my poetry, I think they would be happy to contribute to my well being!

"An Inside Look at Poverty" program designed by HECUA student Julie Ann Orenstein at Hillel Umn, 2014. A wonderful evening!
What I'd Do With Funds
I desire to raise enough money to:
Manufacture large batches of my two wallhangings, buy a bunch of my books, and re-release my music CD so I can sell them at speaking and teaching engagements.
Monies will also support me while re-tooling "My Name Is Child of God..." to be more text-book friendly. Six new essays and chapter discussion prompts are planned, along with an "Interactive Web Site" for instructors and students.
My new book, "Notes From Purgatory Creek" is in process and I want to present it by March 2015.
I wish to hire help with; Branding, Marketing, Web Site and Social Media Management.
There are two professional development trainings I'd love to attend with Communication Accross Barriers in Portland and Circles USA.
These investments will allow me to expand my business as an artist and educator, to reach more people in schools, community organizations, faith communities and other places. I can share my products and create authentic experiences for audiences.
I'm worn out from tragedy visiting my doorstep too often, but believe I have a few more good years to work this labor of love! My gifts and talents are valuable and needed by our world. I want to contribute what is uniquely mine to give, towards making a place for everyone at the table of life and domains of citizen engagement.
THANK YOU in advance for any assistance that will move my dream of economic self-sufficiency into a Real Deal Reality!

Blessings! Julia Dinsmore
Julia Dinsmore
Minnetonka, MN