Money for Moses
Tax deductible
Moses was a transfer from Chicago Animal Care and Control in March of 2014. When we took him into CatNap, we knew he had a leg injury but were surprised to find out that he had over 20 fractures in his foot. It appears he may have been struck by a car while living as a stray. This handsome man has been a real trooper and we thought he wouldn't have to have his leg amputated; however, after 2 weeks at the vet's office, his leg was not healing properly and we made the decision (with the approval and at the recommendation of our vet) to have his leg amputated. The surgery, along with his stay at the vet's office, will be $600 and we need your help to raise the necessary funds. This super sweet boy has already stolen precious space in our hearts. We'd like to also point out that any funds raised above and beyond what is needed for Moses's surgery will go into a special fund for cats like him called Tripp's Trust. We do have several cats in the shelter now that will need specialized veterinary care in the near future. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you in advance.
Tina Lubbers
La Grange Park, IL
Catnap From The Heart