Val's Fund for Film & TV Projects
I am on THE BRINK OF SUCCESS as a creator/producer/director/writer with two (2) projects, and can get the LEGAL REPRESENTATION HELP I need through your giving.
Please SHARE!
The projects are:
1) DIRECTING AND PRODUCING A GROUNDBREAKING, INDEPENDENT FEATURE FILM that is receiving support from the makers of the Oscar-winning films "Ali", "About Schmidt", and "A Beautiful Mind" for which the production company (ASAOPE Independent FilmWorks) contracts with me need to be reviewed and negotiated (A major portion of the funding for the film is secured--90%). Visit the Teaser Trailer for this project.
"Tucht" is a psychological-thriller that focuses on the lives of five people abused as youth, who interact based on their life circumstances that puts them all in danger.
Caption: Child abuse and its effects is a main theme of "TUCHT", as is the power of unconditional love and forgiveness to heal even the most horrific of human conditions. The NEW RELEASE DATE is SUMMER 2015. SEE COMPANY TRAILER ABOVE. As a legal fees funder, you will receive updates and links!
2) An ORIGINAL, PERIOD/DRAMA/THRILLER TELEVISION SERIES based on MY IDEA and the PILOT SCRIPT for which deal memos and contracts are necessary for an interested production company to formally option and develop it, and to formalize my screen credits and role in the production when it's picked up by a broadcaster. Also, my agreement with the co-creator/screenwriter needs to be revised and negotiated. The pilot script has been described as "I couldn't put it down" and "riveting!" Visit this project on PINTEREST.
Caption: The TV project is one of my BIG IDEAS--so big, that I've been advised not to say much more about it just yet, but will keep you in the loop as a funder with updates when I can do so. In the meantime, this clip of Matthew Weiner (Creator of MAD MEN), and the EMMY in the background, inspires me to keep taking steps forward.
Caption: I find it easy to help fund other people's dreams and needs but fear hits when I think of asking for help with mine. Here I am directing a portrait photo shoot with youth in a course I designed titled, The Power of Images: Portrait Photography.
I have enjoyed funding projects: a female musician on GoFundMe.com, an innovative project for the homeless on IndieGoGo.com, a short film on IndieGoGo.com, a memoir book on Kickstarter.com, and a feature film on Kickstarter.com. All of them met with success!
To continue moving forward successfully requires my having the money to hire an entertainment and/or business lawyer to compose the legal documents and to represent my interests, so that any and all agreements and contracts are fair and responsible.
What is an option?
A option is a contract used by a production company or studio to reserve the right to make your work into a film, movie-of-the-week, TV mini-series, or TV show for a specific length of time.
What is a deal memo?
A deal memo is a contract of terms between you and whomever is responsible for paying you for your work on a project. It addresses common parameters like your day rate, overtime pay, if meals are included, and other common conditions.
This fundraising campaign has one goal: Raise the money to pay for legal representation. Whatever amount is raised will be used for this purpose. I've been in touch with a few lawyers, so I will hire whoever can work within the budget raised here.
AS FUNDERS and INVESTORS in my success, you will receive STATUS UPDATES concerning these projects via this campaign page here on GoFundMe.com, or via becoming a member of my PRIVATE FACEBOOK Film & TV Projects Legal Fees Funders Group.
Visit my profile page on Internet Movie Database. My professional info is available at LinkedIn.
Thank you for helping me make my dreams realities! You are my blessing, my angels, and have my deep and heartfelt gratitude.
~Valerie Michele Oliver