Alyssa Takes on Cancer: Chemo Fund
Hello everyone.
Alyssa started her journey with cancer in March of this year when she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The experience has been a rollercoaster so far, but Alyssa has been a fighter from the start. She has completed four out of eight cycles of chemotherapy and has just started another round.
The next obstacle Alyssa faces is that the drug advised by her doctor for these final chemotherapy treatments is not covered under the Government of Saskatchewan's health plan (the drug has been approved by Health Canada). The drug costs a little more than $6,000 for the first treatment and $3000 for the remaining three which will round out to a hefty bill. In addition, due to the side effects of chemotherapy, Alyssa is unable to continue to work full time.
Any support would be greatly appreciated to aid Alyssa and Steve in their fight against breast cancer. Our current goal is to try to raise enough money to cover the unfunded drug, which will provide Alyssa the best ammunition in her fight against cancer!
Thank you so much for your support.
The Gerstmar and Noonan Family
PS. Alyssa has been writing a blog to keep our family and friends posted on her journey. Feel free to take a read of what she has already gone through or for a quick update: