Barrington Collective to Ed Fringe!
Donation protected
This GoFundMe is for any friends, family, or supporters that missed donating during our first round of fundraising with Indiegogo. Below is all the information that was listed on our Indiegogo page :
The Company
Hi there! We're The Barrington Collective - six American graduate students about to complete our MFA at East 15 Acting School in London. We graduate in July, but August will be an adventure of a different kind as we don some kilts and head to Scotland!
Why Scotland?
It's the home of the world's largest theatre event- The Edinburgh Fringe Festival! Ed Fringe is a month-long arts extravaganza during which nearly 50,000 performances take place in Scotland's capital city.
And this year - we get to be a part of it. We've signed a contract to work with theSpace UK , one of Ed Fringe's largest and most respected venues, in a prime time slot on the Royal Mile.
The Barrington Collective is committed to giving voice to new and untold stories affecting the modern world. Theatre is a powerful tool for introspection, change, and joy and Ed Fringe is the perfect place to begin telling our stories.
The Shows
TheSpace UK is excited to host both of our shows - Reconciling and PiTH - that will perform in repertoire for the full run of the festival (August 7th-31st).
Reconciling: What do a Baptist, a bro in handcuffs, & a botched funeral have in common? Not enough and more than you think. This dark comedy, written by company member Jenny King and directed by Julia Hinson, explores how three couples’ unique problems complement & crash into each other. Hearts opened and words spoken become recurring refrains through a collective unconscious where one word can have multiple meanings. And vodka…that always makes things interesting. Join the entire Barrington Collective, as they bring this fractal tree of a play to life.
PiTH: This interactive one woman show, written and performed by company member Katie Morrill, follows Izzy, a plucky American adventurer from the 1800’s, as she navigates the joys and consequences of time travel. A woman apart, a ghost skimming across the fabric of time, Izzy finds herself in complete isolation unable to interact with anyone around her. Can she stop the swiftly increasing roller-coaster that is her life? What will happen if she doesn’t? Can you help her? Join Izzy in an honest and quirky exploration of modern humanity, technological isolation and the universe, micro to macro. Oh and did we mention there is whip cream, machetes and music?
The Budget
The numbers below represent theatre on a budget. As 6 American grad students living with a strong Pound/weak Dollar exchange rate for two years, we have honed our penny pinching skills and frugality is our motto. This project may be expensive, but the experience is essential. Here is a breakdown of our current budget:
Venue: £2700 = $4150
Accommodation: £3200 = $4920
Travel: £500 = $770
Marketing & Registration: £1600 = $2460
Living Expenses: £2000 = $3075
Props & Set: £500 = $770
Total: £10,500 = $16, 145
Our company members have student loans and part-time jobs, but no matter how hardworking or industrious we are, we can't get to Fringe without your help! If you do choose to donate, we've included some fun perks to say thank you and to help you follow us on our journey.
(We are ecstatic to say that following Indiegogo and other private donations, we have raised over $7,000 so far!)
Why help?
The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is the first step in what we plan to be a important journey for the Barrington Collective. It's difficult to gain momentum in the theatre world and producing our shows in Edinburgh is the best way to showcase our talents and share ideas with leading industry professionals. You're contributing to the first chapter of a promising book. In order to tell the rest of our stories, we need this foundation.
When we began training at East 15, the 6 of us came from diverse backgrounds with no knowledge of each other. We are now knit together by our desire to explore and absorb as much as we can in this big, old world. Over the past two years we've worked on countless projects together and have grown to trust and respect each other as artists and people.
After we finish our journey in the UK, together we will take our experiences back to influence future projects. The world is in crisis and, though often overlooked, theatre and performance are tried and tested methods of engendering introspection and change. The Barrington Collective intends to brings these things in force and leave behind joy in our wake. Our company wants to innovate and bravely forge ahead in our field and we are committed to being dynamic influences for good in our craft and society as a whole.
We are confident that with your help we can create something truly special!
Other Ways You Can Help
Maybe you can't contribute monetarily at this time. That's ok- we'll still like you! Here are some other ways you can help:
*We're all over social media and would love for you to like, comment, share, subscribe, retweet, and retumble to help us get the word out!
Facebook: facebook.com/BarringtonCollective
Twitter: twitter.com/BarringtonCoUK
Instagram: instagram.com/BarringtonCollective
Tumblr: barringtoncollective.tumblr.com
Website: barringtoncollective.com
*Are you crafty? Do you own your own business? Perhaps you have a reward you'd like to donate to our campaign! We'll gladly find your perk a home.
*Do you know of any other funding opportunities for us- grants, fundraisers or the like? We'd love any extra help in this area.
*Will you be at Ed Fringe this summer? We'd always appreciate volunteers to help with flyering, word of mouth, and technical support.
If you can help in any of the ways above, shoot us an email at [email redacted] and let us know!
Thank you!
"I believe if you have been successful at what you dreamed of doing with your life, then it is your obligation to spend a good portion of your time sending the elevator back down...All of us can send the elevator back down because it doesn't matter what floor you're on; in life there is always someone below, just waiting for the chance to be invited up. Our job is to make sure the floors we live on are not so high we no longer hear the voices of young people crying out for opportunity and experience that will help shape a better future." -Kevin Spacey
Thanks in advance for sending the elevator back down.
-The Barrington Collective
Jenny King