Baltimore Riot Victim: Rebuild Fund
My name is Steve McCoy. I am asking for your help to support John Chae; the owner of Fireside North Liquors in West Baltimore. He is one of the many victims of the recent Baltimore Riots that happened on April 27, 2015. I have gotten to know John from playing together on local tennis teams in Ellicott City/ Howard County where we have become close friends. John is a very good and decent person but he has had more than his share of bad luck. I am hoping we can help John get back on his feet.
John was aware of the rapidly escalating protests and violence in the area. The employees that were working at the liquor store with John expressed their fear and need to seek safety. John knew that the storefront was about to be overtaken by the crowd, and he told the employees to follow him out the side door.
John was knocked out by a brick, kicked, punched, batted, and pick pocketed stealing his wallet and cell phone. The helicopter hovering above saw the attack and called in for a SWAT team to pick up and extract John.
His store was overrun by violent protestors who broke into his business, looted everything and eventually burned the store down. The store has since been boarded up by the Fire Department. Everything is lost. Everything is ruined.
He was born in South Korea and came to America as a child. He pursued a business field in architecture but was laid off from his employer and had a difficult time finding new employment in that line of work. John and his brother decided to pursue the American dream of being responsible citizens and running their own family business in pursuit of a better life for their families. Together he and his brother bought Fireside North Liquors and they were running a successful business. Until April 27, 2015.
John has owned Fireside North Liquors for 10 years. He is newly married and has a newborn baby who was born more than 3 months premature which resulted in several months of extended care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
April 27th changed John's life forever. His face was broken in 3 spots; 1 clean break under the eye....1 clean break to the side of the cheek bone, and 1 shattered bone the right face. He was rushed to shock trauma for extensive facial exams. The hospital team needs to wait a week to allow the swelling to go down before they can perform reconstructive surgery.
John's sole source of income, his liquor store, is now in complete ruins. John will soon have upcoming liquor store rent due, as well as his home mortgage, baby food and supplies, and now expensive hospital bills (and anticipated surgery ) for himself. As the sole income earner for the family, we are trying to help alleviate some of the difficulty that he will be facing in the very near future. 100% of funds received will go to support John and his family.
Baltimore is a strong city with amazing, passionate, and proud people. I hope we can support John who was an innocent business owner who became a victim to these crimes. We need to help John get back on his feet! John cannot cover these enormous expenses by himself and needs our help.
Please contribute to help support John, his new family, and his rehabilitation.
Crowdfunding is not possible without sharing. We need to make this viral in order for it to work. Please, post our link http://www.gofundme.com/BaltimoreRiot to your Facebook, Twitter, and emails.