Our battle with trisomy 18
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I would like to share a story of our experience with Trisomy 18(Edwards Syndrome).I am currently 8 months pregnant with a beautiful angel who we have named Aleah Riley.On the day of May24th,2013 my daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 18,which is a chromosomal condition where instead of the regular two copies my daughter has three copies of chromosomal 18.It is a rare genetic condition that occurs 1 out of 5,000 live births.1 out of 5,000 can you believe that, cause at first i couldnt.I could not believe that what my doctors where saying was true.Word truely cant explain the heart ache and pain that rushed through me that day,As the doctors where talking I looked over to my fiance and his face had no expression,although he didnt say anything I knew he was feeling exactly the way I was.I barely heard everything the doctor was saying but as soon as I got home I did my research and the more I read into it the more pain shot through me.My little angel has a less then 10% chance of surviving till her first birthday.My fiance and I decided that we will continue with the pregnancy regardless of what the doctor's recommended.I am a firm believer In Our Lord Jesus Christ and I am praying for a miracle.I am on this site because although I want to believe that everything will be ok and I also want to be prepared.If what the doctors tell me are really true and my daughter comes into this world only to have a short life I want her to be as comfortable as she can.I want her and the Lord to decided when it is time to go.And when that time comes I would love to have her be brought home to Guam and lay her to rest near the beach beside my grandparents.I will also need assistance with her medical bill for I am unsure if I will be out of a job by that time and will be unable to provide insurance.I want my daughter home because when the time comes my fiance and I will be moving back home to be with her.It is very costly to have her body transfered as well as the funeral services and transportation for my fiance and I.I ask you all to please help with what you can,whether its by donation or by prayer.We greatly appreciate your generosity and I pray and hope that no mother will have to endure the pain I feel everyday.God Bless you all.
Ashley Ricky
San Diego, CA