Ben & Liam - Top Surgery Fund
Meet Ben!
Hi, my name is Ben.
I was born 27 years ago in a small town in Northwestern Ontario. After venturing off to Winnipeg, Manitoba for a couple of years, I came back to my hometown in October in 2013, where I currently live with my 8-year old daughter. I am a FTM-trans man. Although born female, I knew at a very young age that I didn’t identify with the things in life that society identified as feminine
Three years ago I had the courage to come out to my close family and friends as transgender. From this point on, I haven’t looked back and in 2013 I began hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
I can say that at this point in my life I am very happy. To date my transition has brought forth a lot of positive changes in my life, physically and spiritually. I am starting to feel more at home within myself. However there is still another step in my transition, something that to me is non-negotiable. This essential next step is chest reconstruction surgery (a.k.a. top surgery). The value in proceeding with this is indescribable; it will allow me to live my life freely and feeling truly aligned on a spiritual, mental and physical level.
This fundraising effort is in attempt to raise some of the funds required for my surgery. I am prepared to contribute as much as I can on my own; but it won’t be enough to cover the full costs. Until I am able to proceed with this surgery, I will have to continue to bind my chest. This is something that is uncomfortable, yet necessary for me to do every day. Having this surgery will be life changing; it will give me the freedom to wear what makes me feel comfortable on any given day and help me to live my life as I had already known it was meant to be.
I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate all of your love and supportI wouldn't have got this far without it. Thank you!!
Meet Liam!
Hey! I’m Liam- living, breathing and smiling big in Winnipeg, MB. I will be the first person to tell you that I am one lucky guy. Along with totally lucky, I consider myself to be a handful of other things. I am an artist, a student, a friend, a poet, a fast-talker, a partner, a brother, a dreamer, a son and an enthusiastic big-believer. To varying degrees, I have aligned with each of these things since the day I was born. Just over a year ago, I added another identity to this list. Coming out to myself, my family and my friends as transgender was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life. But scared is good. Scared means you care. Coming out as transgender has also been one of the most important things I’ve ever done.
Every day I am inspired by compelling art and amazing people that never cease to light a fire inside of me. This inspiration drives me to do my best to live a life that is both full and honest. One that doesn’t take anything for granted. My female to male gender transition has been nothing short of liberating. Having a chest reconstruction surgery (top surgery) will be the next big step in my physical body aligning with everything that’s inside of me. Although it is a costly endeavor, having this life-changing surgery performed by one of North America’s leading surgeons is the best option. Everyone’s soul deserves the opportunity to overcome its struggles and become free and whole. I consider myself so lucky to have the support system that I do. Without the love, compassion and generosity of my friends and family, I would not be where I am today. My soul breathes easy because of you. Truly, I thank you so much for visiting this page, checking out our video and considering making a donation!