Brenton's Battle
This is Brenton who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) on Februrary 24th, 2014. Brenton is almost 19 months old and is a sweet baby full of contagious smiles and joyful determination. He loves to run and play but most of all, he loves his Momma, Shelley.
Brenton fell and cut his head on February 8th and the local ER glued the cut together and sent him home with no other apparent issues. Two days later Brenton started running a high fever and became very irritable and cried uncontrollably. His Mom took him back to the ER, they thought the problem had to do with the head injury, but further testing revealed a high white blood count so Brenton was sent via ambulance to a Roanoke hospital an hour away from his home.
There the doctors diagnosed Brenton with a virus and sent him home on February 13th. Over the next week intermittent fevers and the out of character crying continued. The doctors told Shelley to expect that he wouldn't be back to normal for a few days. As the days went by, Brenton's condition worsened and he became extremely reluctant to walk.
Shelley took Brenton to see his pediatrician on February 20th and she recommended that they return to Roanoke immediately. Brenton was admitted into the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Over the next few days a battery of test were done, ultrasounds, x-rays, MRI's and finally a bone marrow test on February 24th revealed the heartbreaking final diagnosis of AML.
Brenton began chemotherapy the next day and the doctors forcast a regimen that will last at least six months and possibly up to a year. The goal of this fund is to provide Shelley and Brenton with living expenses such as rent, utilities and transportation for the treatment duration. Shelley is a great Mom and the sole caregiver to this precious baby. She was forced to go on unpaid medical leave from her job and will not be able to return to work until after the treatments are complete.
Please pray for Shelley and Brenton and donate to this cause if you can. I encourage you to leave messages of inspiration and hope for Shelley to view during this difficult time.
Thank you in advance from Brenton's Buddies!
Brenton's Favorite Song