Send Us To CPAC
Where will your dollars be going?
Airfare for two - $800
Hotel for 4 days - $1200 :o
Transportation - $300
Meals (Press passes do not include conference dinner events) $500
Misc/Incidental - $200
How it happened
My website has seen some tremendous growth over the last 6 months driving more than 500,000 unique visits and over a million page views.
During this time I have built a relationship with Big Dawg Music Radio, a part of Big Dawg Music Mafia.
As luck would have it, they are involved with the live entertainment at CPAC in addition to operating a booth on Radio Row where we will be broadcasting live from the event.
They recently reached out and asked me to come to CPAC under their umbrella as a radio personality as well as allowing me time on one of their stages to deliver a message to the conference attendants.
Why do two of you have to go?
I was actually offered two passes to the event so I thought I would take the opportunity to go up there and shoot a few videos as well as cover parts of the event for future usage on my website. I invited Ben Doherty to accompany me on the trip and help me produce and coordinate my segments.
There are a few other reasons why it made sense to bring someone else with me.
1: The hotel was a fixed cost so splitting the room with someone added no additional expense to the hotel cost.
2: I want to do some live action interviews and cover parts of the event as a on air reporter. To do this I will need a camera man.
3: We are planning a few rants at key locations at the capital so again, a camera man was vital to the entire production.
4: Ben is a close friend and sits on the board of the local young republicans here in Sarasota.
So in closing
We need your help to make the trip a reality. Please take some time to review the sponsorship packages below but also remember that contributions of any size are appreciated.
I'm really just a punk kid with a dream, trying to make a difference in the world. I have shouted, ranted and raved for a while now and people are actually starting to pay attention. With your help we have gotten this far; with a little more we can really shake the world.
CPAC wont know what hit them.
Stay tuned for more information and updates about event progress.
Sponsorship Levels
You can donate as much or as little as you like but we have prepared some packages for those who would like to consider it.
I do not typically advertise on my website so these packages are kind of a big deal.
Shout Out - $100
On air plugs for your company. $100 buys you 1 minutes of air time. You provide the script.
Baby Bump - $250
Includes the shout-out package plus display advertising on Raymmar.com for the entire month of March.
Booyah Baby - $1,000
This is a customizable online and on-air advertising package. It also includes a website audit and two original blog articles written by Raymmar himself for your company website.
My Hero - $3,000 It's not a deal, it's a steal.
Not only do you get all of the above package but I will build you a website as well.
Website Details:
This package is for a new website.
Up to 5 pages.
Custom Graphics.
Responsive design (Looks good on any sized device).
Mobile Ready.
Includes 1 contact form (Customized).
Basic (On Page) SEO.
Blog set up and 2 original blog articles (2 Articles total).
Custom domain name
Contact me directly if you have any questions. I am open to creative offers if it helps get the trip funded.
Hosting, SSL certificates, customizations or other hard costs associated with the web development will be billed as additional expenses.