Cancer and its costs
My mother has had surgery to remove a tumor from her colon, and luckily was able to avoid the indignity that is a colostomy bag. A CT Scan has also revealed a mass in her lung and we now have a diagnosis of that being cancerous as well. It is not that the colon cancer spread, it is a different case altogether so we will battling on 2 different fronts at the same time. The medical costs are trickling in, so far totalling $155,000...right here at the holidays, which has definitely dampened her Holiday spirit. She has no job or insurance, and was already stressing about how she was going to get her grandchildren gifts. Luckily the hospital is eating some of the costs, but not all of it. With the holidays coming up, anything you can donate will be most appreciated! I wanted to post pics of the bills as they came so that you may see what the running tab is and what a typical cancer patient must contend with, however this site doesn't allow me to post multiple pictures. #CANCERSUCKS