Legal Fund to Fight BSL in Clay
Donation protected
**ALL money donated is routed directly to the "Fight BSL in Clay" account at Wells Fargo. A donation can be made at any branch, as well as sent via paypal to the email address [email redacted] **
Update 2/27/14 -
A hearing is set for Friday, March 7th at 1:30 PM in Judge Boohaker's courtroom (room 360 at the Jeff Co Courthouse).. PLEASE be there to show support for the amazing people who were the first ones to EVER challenged BSL in the State of Alabama! They did this for their dogs, they did this for YOUR dogs.. Information will be released as it comes available!
Update 7/30/13 -Today the motion was filed to STOP Clay from enforcing this! This is the first legal challenge to BSL in Alabama EVER! We're making history! http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2013/07/motion_for_injunction_filed_to.html
Citizens, advocates & bully breed enthusiasts are demanding the repeal of the breed specific ordinance passed on June 3rd, 2013 in Clay, AL. Stand up for this breed by donating any amount to overturn this law. Our plan is to file for an injunction before the 60 day deadline of August 4th. We've been assured by several local attorneys that this IS a winnable case, now we need the money to make it happen. When this law is struck down, all the other local city's BSL ordinances will fall like dominoes right behind it. We shall prevail in the defense of our beloved family members!
Let's make Alabama BSL a thing of the past together!
Please share this.. I want to see hits from around the world!!
Update 2/27/14 -
A hearing is set for Friday, March 7th at 1:30 PM in Judge Boohaker's courtroom (room 360 at the Jeff Co Courthouse).. PLEASE be there to show support for the amazing people who were the first ones to EVER challenged BSL in the State of Alabama! They did this for their dogs, they did this for YOUR dogs.. Information will be released as it comes available!
Update 7/30/13 -Today the motion was filed to STOP Clay from enforcing this! This is the first legal challenge to BSL in Alabama EVER! We're making history! http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2013/07/motion_for_injunction_filed_to.html
Citizens, advocates & bully breed enthusiasts are demanding the repeal of the breed specific ordinance passed on June 3rd, 2013 in Clay, AL. Stand up for this breed by donating any amount to overturn this law. Our plan is to file for an injunction before the 60 day deadline of August 4th. We've been assured by several local attorneys that this IS a winnable case, now we need the money to make it happen. When this law is struck down, all the other local city's BSL ordinances will fall like dominoes right behind it. We shall prevail in the defense of our beloved family members!
Let's make Alabama BSL a thing of the past together!
Please share this.. I want to see hits from around the world!!
Melanie Hughes-Hicks
Pinson, AL