Medical Costs - Help Now
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I am a 25 year old Minnesotan who lived in Taiwan as an English instructor for over a year. I developed autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's and Sjögren's) and because there's little recognition of autoimmunity as disease nor adequate medical resources in Taiwan I deteriorated almost to the point of death. For seven (7) months I spent the majority of my savings on medical costs spanning six (6) hospitals and hundreds of examinations, blood tests, and hospitalizations. Eventually I had no other option but to return to the United States and live with my parents.
Since returning to the United States I am uninsured. My disease(s) are progressing and I have spent countless hours searching, researching, and pleading. I'm getting further into debt due to substantially more expensive healthcare in the US. Because autoimmunity affects mental as well as physical health, I am desperate for adequate treatment and healing. I am currently unable to perform simple tasks and function for any job, but I remain positive and hopeful that perseverence can get me to where I need to be: improved, stable, and independent.
I am a burden on my mother, whos own health has been challenged since my arrival in 2013; I am physical, emotional, and financial stressor. The woman to who I owe my entire existence and love deeply does not deserve to take care of me in her age and shoulder my medical debts and continuing costs. I am distressed, sick, immobilized, and desperate. But most of all my own brushes with mortality have taught me the essence of being humble; I'm presenting my story for you with 100% transparency: I need help.
Please donate. Your gifts could not support a better goal--in mind and heart. Please ask me any questions you may have. I greatly appreciate your positivity and optimism.
Please also take the time to read a brief article on my story, and what I'm doing to better my own health and my plans for the immediate future: http://www.austindailyherald.com/2015/04/finding-a-way-to-heal-kyle-snyder-looking-for-answers-about-his-autoimmune-diseases/
In the name of most sincere peace, love, and healing,
Kyle J. Snyder
Since returning to the United States I am uninsured. My disease(s) are progressing and I have spent countless hours searching, researching, and pleading. I'm getting further into debt due to substantially more expensive healthcare in the US. Because autoimmunity affects mental as well as physical health, I am desperate for adequate treatment and healing. I am currently unable to perform simple tasks and function for any job, but I remain positive and hopeful that perseverence can get me to where I need to be: improved, stable, and independent.
I am a burden on my mother, whos own health has been challenged since my arrival in 2013; I am physical, emotional, and financial stressor. The woman to who I owe my entire existence and love deeply does not deserve to take care of me in her age and shoulder my medical debts and continuing costs. I am distressed, sick, immobilized, and desperate. But most of all my own brushes with mortality have taught me the essence of being humble; I'm presenting my story for you with 100% transparency: I need help.
Please donate. Your gifts could not support a better goal--in mind and heart. Please ask me any questions you may have. I greatly appreciate your positivity and optimism.
Please also take the time to read a brief article on my story, and what I'm doing to better my own health and my plans for the immediate future: http://www.austindailyherald.com/2015/04/finding-a-way-to-heal-kyle-snyder-looking-for-answers-about-his-autoimmune-diseases/
In the name of most sincere peace, love, and healing,
Kyle J. Snyder
Kyle Snyder
Austin, MN