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Mark's Big Wish

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Mark is extremely proud of his years of service to his country. With two completed tours in Iraq and his position as an E4 Specialist, Mark was optimistic towards his continuing career within the Army and his eventual promotion to Sargent. 

This came to a shocking end when Mark was visiting his young daughter in between tours. 

After only being home a few weeks, a horrifying gun accident led to Mark sustaining severe injuries, including him becoming blind. Mark had to have a tracheal tube inserted into his neck, a tube that permanently stays in his throat to allow him to breathe. In only a moment, his entire life changed.

Mark and his daughter Grace just playing around. He loves simply being able to 
                                                   spend time with her.

This was an extremely scary time for Mark and his family. They had no idea what Mark’s life would be like after his surgeries and how he would adjust to now being blind. But, like every obstacle Mark has faced, he dedicated himself to rebuilding his life and recovering his independence. 

Although his Army career had ended, Mark continued to build a relationship with the Blind Veterans Association so that he could help other veterans like himself. Because Mark and his family understand how difficult the transition to being blind can be, they are now responsible for welcoming and supporting new veterans and their families to the BVA. 

                Mark and other members of the Blind Veterans Association

When Mark tried eSight, incredible new technological glasses, he was speechless. For the first time in 6 years, he could see again. He immediately started thinking of all the ways this would change his life, including being able to see his daughter again. The last time he had been able to see her was as a baby; now 7 years old, he would finally be able to watch her grow up. 

 Mark is excited to have eSight so he can dedicate more time to helping the Blind Veterans Association, complete more handmade plaques to sell or auction for the BVA, and be able to spend time with his daughter as she grows up. eSight will change his life. 

The Glasses cost $15,000
  but because of his medical expenses, Mark isn't able to get them without your help.

Any donation is extremely appreciate and will greatly help Mark get his sight back! 

Mark working on his plaque designs. These will often be sold at auctions, with
                     proceeds going to help the Blind Veterans Association


All donations go directly towards Mark's eSight Glasses!

This fundraiser is maintained by Yvonne Felix, an advocate for the low vision and blind community and a fundraiser at eSight.


  • Ovidio Diaz
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Yvonne R Felix
Toronto, ON

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