Igloo Dog Houses for Outdoor Dogs
Bark-A-Bout is collecting money to purchase igloo dog houses for outdoor chained dogs living in Detroit. The caring volunteers of "C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc.", a Metro-Detroit non-profit organization, will distribute these life-saving dog houses, along with straw insulation, supplies, and most importantly, owner education on proper pet care to families in need, living in Detroit.
Detroit is home to hundreds upon hundreds of dogs that are chained up and left outside during the coldest, most brutal days of winter. Many dogs even die of hypothermia and frostbite. In February 2015, Michigan saw temperatures only 4 degrees warmer than the North Pole, at -37 degrees!!!!
For these imprisoned dogs, their chain prevents them from leaving the premises to forage for proper nutrition and shelter, as any wild animal would instinctively do. Their bodies shiver while trying to regulate core body temperature, and therefore burn twice as many calories. This leaves these chained dogs hungry, emaciated and hopeless. Even when owners put out food and water, their meal quickly freezes solid, making it nearly impossible to maintain proper body weight.
For outdoor chained dogs, the winter season hits hardest. Thankfully, "C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc.", a Metro Detroit non-profit, works SO hard to get chained dogs off the chain, one dog at a time. This amazing organization provides Detroit pet owners with appropriate outdoor shelter for the dogs, including dog houses and straw for insulation, fences, food, medical supplies and most importantly EDUCATION on proper pet care. During each of their outings, C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc. volunteers split off into teams and visit over 100+ homes, donating food, supplies, a helping hand, and educational materials. Each outing helps over 300 dogs in a single day.
This winter, Bark-A-Bout is collecting money to purchase igloo dog houses for C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc. to distribute. Please consider giving an outdoor dog a fair chance at survival by making a life-saving monetary donation at Bark-A-Bout.
Want to sponsor your very own dog house? Donate $100 and a dog house will be painted with your very own name on it and donated to a Detroit dog in need. Or, purchase or donate your own gently used dog house. C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc. will happily pass along your doghouse to a dog in need.
For any questions, please call Bark-A-Bout. Thank you!
Love, Bark-A-Bout, C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc. and all the outdoor dogs in need of a helping paw.