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Keep Rox Smiling!

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Keep Rox Smiling! 

Hello Everyone,

This last week I learned my baby, Rox, is in need of emergency surgery. Due to an aggressive type of cancer in her shoulder, she is in considerable pain. We are spreading the word to help raise the money for Rox's treatment. We have a long way to go, but I have faith that we have a chance. We need to help Rox--a sweet, loving, and slightly smelly dog--have the opportunity to live out her days, free of pain.

Learn More about Rox!

Rox, Roxy, Roxstar, Roxdog, Rox my Socks, Smarty Smart, Silly Dog, Waggy Tail...

My Beautiful Rox.

By whatever name you call her, Rox is a special dog. She has touched many lives with her smiling face and golden personality. For the past ten years, I have been so fortunate to have this wonderful, constant companion. Even during the darkest times, my girl has been a steadfast reminder that happiness is just one wag away.

We recently were devastated to learn that Rox has developed an Osteosarcoma, a cancer that is attacking the bone in the shoulder of her right leg. The pain that she is experiencing is causing lameness in the affected leg, but we have controlled it for the time being with medications. Sadly, without treatment, Rox's pain will only grow. The cancer, if left untreated, will overcome her eventually, and it won’t take long. We can’t let her go in this cruelly painful way, especially not while she is so otherwise healthy.

Luckily, Rox has a family that loves her more than words can describe. We are going to help her fight her cancer and do whatever we can to help her live a life without debilitating pain. Even during these tough hours, Rox has been her bubbly, happy self, but without this procedure, that cannot last. Now it is my turn to help her and return the love and joy that she has given me.

I am asking my friends and family to assist me in providing Rox with the treatment that she so desperately needs.

Treatment would include an amputation of the affected leg and 5 sessions of chemotherapy. This treatment, while seemingly harsh, is the best option for Rox's long term comfort.

Soon I'll also be adding an option to donate directly to her veterinarian as well, but I still need to schedule and setup all of the appointments, and figure out the best way to handle that type of donation.

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken a few moments to check out this fundraiser. My entire family is so grateful this these sort of crowdfunded sites, that will make this procedure a possibility for Rox.

- Aimee, Brian, Rox & Spencer


Aimee Ampaya
Pearland, TX

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