Molly's Emergency Veterinarian Care
Thank you for visiting Molly's Emergency Veterinarian Care fundraising page. This page was created in hopes of helping Erin and Doug with unexpected emergency care bills for their dog, Molly.
On the afternoon of Sunday, January 18, 2015 Erin and her son, Evan, were taking Molly for a walk around their neighborhood. Molly was leashed on this walk while Evan was riding on Erin's shoulder. On their way home, 2 loose dogs approached them but were fended off by some neighborhood kids on bicycles. Soon after, they were approached again by the same dogs. They tried walking home faster, however, the dogs began to growl and viciously attacked Molly.
She underwent emergency surgery to repair and clean several areas that were damaged. She sustained injuries to her neck, legs, chest, and spine. Thankfully none were internal but some nerves were harmed and they are unsure whether or not this will cause permanent damage. She also had a high fever, thankfully the fever subsided and she was allowed to return home Monday evening. She returned home shaved and with drains in place to avoid fluid buildup. She seems to be doing well recovering but will require suture and drain removal soon. We are hopeful this will be the end of her care for this incident but only time will tell.
At this point, both Erin and Doug have been providing constant at home care for Molly in addition to emotionally and financially trying to recover from this scary event. Evan has been fearful of dogs barking since the incident.
Unfortunately, the owners of the loose dogs have been unwilling to pay for the costs involved in Molly's care. Any extra funds received, fundraising or from the owners, above and beyond the cost of Molly's care will be donated to the Jacksonville Humane Society.
It is our hope that this fundraising page will bring them some peace of mind knowing that they are not alone in handling the expenses and emotional trauma involved. If you are able to pitch in, it will help them a great deal. Whether it's $100.00, $1.00, or just your well wishes it will bring them much needed relief during this difficult time.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read about and help this wonderful family.