Lisa Avila Chavez-Foundation
Donation protected
The story of Lisa Avila Chavez, a mother and a wife in coma for three weeks
told by Larry Terry (her uncle), On Behalf of her husband Robert Chavez
Lisa the mother of seven children ranging in age from 18 all the down to 6 months old. She has five girls and two boys that she has dedicated her life to them. She works two jobs and still comes home with the utmost love when it comes to caring for each of her kids. Lisa just began the journey of bringing in the eight child into her family. She was two and a half months pregnant, just went to the doctors for a routine check up, and ultra sound. They left the doctors office with no signs of any problems, and both her and her husband Robert we're excited that they were expected another child.
It was just 2 days after the doctors visit and the ultra sound. When each and every member of Lisa's life was completely changed. The day was February 14th, Valentine's Day of all days. Lisa began to feel pain in her stomach and this was so much pain that the family had to leave a restaurant and go directly to the emergency room. It was at that time things got even worse for her family. The hospital for what ever reason, felt that the pain that Lisa was feeling would pass. This was determined by the medical staff even after doing an ultra sound while she was there. This was performed due to the fact that they were informed she was 10 weeks pregnant. Yet the medical staff failed to take her word for it when both her and husband Robert were pleading to the staff that something is wrong. The only thing the staff did was try to give her pain medication ( morphine ) to try to quiet her down. When that did not stop the pain, they told Robert to take her home and they will prescribe more pain medication.

After 3 attempts to stay there at the hospital they were finally forced to leave. The medical staff had to wheel chair Lisa out to the car. From there Robert attempted to get to the pharmacy to fill the prescription given to him. The pharmacy was just down the street and he went to drop it off as quickly as possible when he returned to the car a few minutes later, he found Lisa unconscious and not breathing
At this point Robert called 911 and the ambulance arrived in minutes. They were successful in reviving Lisa but they had to rush her back down the same street that Robert drove only less than 15 minutes prior. She was returned back to the same hospital, only now she was rushed right into an emergency surgery. This was due to the fact that she was suffering from an ectopic pregnancy.
That was February 14th, and every since then Lisa has not awaken to see her family. It has been almost three weeks since her family has seen their mother and wife's eyes open. The family has not left her side during this grueling time for them. Robert who's world has been turned upside down during the past three weeks. He has not gone to work in order to make sure he is there when her eyes are finally opened again. When he is not able to be there, Lisa is at no time ever left alone without a family member at her side. Weather one of Lisa's children are there, or one of her cousins, aunts, or uncles Lisa is never alone.
I do believe that with the love from everyone, and their prayers Lisa will one day open her eyes again. I have seen an amazing amount of support from the whole family, and friends. I was asked during one of my visits to see Lisa, by her daughters to write a little something about the experience of what we, as her lifeline to this world are seeing? The reason the daughters were asking people to write this, was so that when Lisa did awaken from resting, then she would know just how much she is loved, and needed. We will continue to believe the day of the miracle will be real soon, and she will be back at home with her family.
With that belief, I do write the story of Lisa a mother and a wife in coma, from the bottom of my heart. Robert has so much going on in his world right now that he must continue to stay strong for the kids. I also want to share this in hopes that there is a lot of people out their that would agree with me in saying, Robert you are not alone. I ask that with the weight of the world upon his shoulders, that you would extend a helping hand to Robert and offer a small donation. With the donation just know that it will help make a difference in the lives of seven children and a great man, just believing that the miracle will happen soon.
Never stop believing, miracles do happen.

Please See The News Clip from KCBS

Thank you
told by Larry Terry (her uncle), On Behalf of her husband Robert Chavez
Lisa the mother of seven children ranging in age from 18 all the down to 6 months old. She has five girls and two boys that she has dedicated her life to them. She works two jobs and still comes home with the utmost love when it comes to caring for each of her kids. Lisa just began the journey of bringing in the eight child into her family. She was two and a half months pregnant, just went to the doctors for a routine check up, and ultra sound. They left the doctors office with no signs of any problems, and both her and her husband Robert we're excited that they were expected another child.
It was just 2 days after the doctors visit and the ultra sound. When each and every member of Lisa's life was completely changed. The day was February 14th, Valentine's Day of all days. Lisa began to feel pain in her stomach and this was so much pain that the family had to leave a restaurant and go directly to the emergency room. It was at that time things got even worse for her family. The hospital for what ever reason, felt that the pain that Lisa was feeling would pass. This was determined by the medical staff even after doing an ultra sound while she was there. This was performed due to the fact that they were informed she was 10 weeks pregnant. Yet the medical staff failed to take her word for it when both her and husband Robert were pleading to the staff that something is wrong. The only thing the staff did was try to give her pain medication ( morphine ) to try to quiet her down. When that did not stop the pain, they told Robert to take her home and they will prescribe more pain medication.

After 3 attempts to stay there at the hospital they were finally forced to leave. The medical staff had to wheel chair Lisa out to the car. From there Robert attempted to get to the pharmacy to fill the prescription given to him. The pharmacy was just down the street and he went to drop it off as quickly as possible when he returned to the car a few minutes later, he found Lisa unconscious and not breathing
At this point Robert called 911 and the ambulance arrived in minutes. They were successful in reviving Lisa but they had to rush her back down the same street that Robert drove only less than 15 minutes prior. She was returned back to the same hospital, only now she was rushed right into an emergency surgery. This was due to the fact that she was suffering from an ectopic pregnancy.
That was February 14th, and every since then Lisa has not awaken to see her family. It has been almost three weeks since her family has seen their mother and wife's eyes open. The family has not left her side during this grueling time for them. Robert who's world has been turned upside down during the past three weeks. He has not gone to work in order to make sure he is there when her eyes are finally opened again. When he is not able to be there, Lisa is at no time ever left alone without a family member at her side. Weather one of Lisa's children are there, or one of her cousins, aunts, or uncles Lisa is never alone.
I do believe that with the love from everyone, and their prayers Lisa will one day open her eyes again. I have seen an amazing amount of support from the whole family, and friends. I was asked during one of my visits to see Lisa, by her daughters to write a little something about the experience of what we, as her lifeline to this world are seeing? The reason the daughters were asking people to write this, was so that when Lisa did awaken from resting, then she would know just how much she is loved, and needed. We will continue to believe the day of the miracle will be real soon, and she will be back at home with her family.
With that belief, I do write the story of Lisa a mother and a wife in coma, from the bottom of my heart. Robert has so much going on in his world right now that he must continue to stay strong for the kids. I also want to share this in hopes that there is a lot of people out their that would agree with me in saying, Robert you are not alone. I ask that with the weight of the world upon his shoulders, that you would extend a helping hand to Robert and offer a small donation. With the donation just know that it will help make a difference in the lives of seven children and a great man, just believing that the miracle will happen soon.
Never stop believing, miracles do happen.

Please See The News Clip from KCBS

Thank you
Larry Terry
Aliso Viejo, CA