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Welcome to the GoFundMe page for my newest project, NeOlympus.
My name is Roy Westerman. I am, among many other things, a writer. For over two years, I have been partnering with digital artist Phil Cho to work on creative projects combining my style of writing and character design with Phil's incredible comic book style visual artistry.
We started with the Zodiac Pack, a blue-collar supernatural series
ZODIAC PACK LINK: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5133bc80e4b0c6fb04dcd6c4/t/54e26110e4b09bab13275de5/1424122178849/zodiac+pack
Then we tackled sci-fi with the Erebus Saga, about a dysfunctional starship crew
EREBUS SAGA LINK: http://roysovitch.deviantart.com/gallery/58445551/The-Erebus-Saga
Then in April 2015, I had a personal tragedy with the stillbirth of my son. In the aftermath of this, I began a new project, dedicated to the characters of DC Comics. This project would eventually come to be called Earth-27 and what started as a small personal project soon turned into a massive fan-driven project.
EARTH-27 LINK: http://roysovitch.deviantart.com/gallery/58445547/Earth-27
(If you want to contribute to Earth-27, which is still ongoing, visit its GoFundMe page, here: https://www.gofundme.com/Earth27Project )
Now, we are ready to tackle a new project: NeOlympus. This project will be an exploration of the Olympian Pantheon, the gods of Greek mythology.
In NeOlympus, we establish that the Olympians were real beings made of flesh and ichor, but whose physiology required the essence of worship. And as their belief system began to falter, the gods turned to alternative sources. Under command of Zeus, Hermes traveled the cosmos, looking for a suitable world or dimension for the gods to inhabit. The world Hermes found was a world with scattered tribes of beings similar to the humans of Earth, protected by primal deities.
Hermes placed a new anchor for Olympus on the top of the highest mountain in this new world and in so doing, ushered in the Olympian invasion. Now, that world has been tamed by the Olympians and through direct divine intervention, they have shaped the society, technology, culture, and civilizations of this world in their image.
The reason for this campaign is to provide funding for the production of professional character artwork and to further the level of attention we can give this project.
It is our hope that with your help, we can elevate this project to great heights, but we need to start somewhere. All money given to this campaign will be used to further this project and should be considered donations.
The project will be set-up in a way that different characters will be funded at different ranks. If you contribute toward a characters' funding you will receive personal thanks from me and, if you wish, will be credited as a backer of the character.
As more characters are funded, we may be offering more options for contribution rewards.
For every $150 raised, we can release a new character portrait. If you donate a considerable amount, you can declare which character you would like to place your funding toward
The following characters are available.
The Elder Gods
Zeus: ( Olympian )
Hera: ( Olympian )
Poseidon: ( Olympian )
Demeter: ( Olympian )
Hades: ( Olympian )
Hestia: ( Olympian )
The Younger Gods
Athena: ( Olympian )
Apollo:( Olympian )
Artemis: ( Olympian )
Hermes: ( Olympian )
Dionysus: ( Olympian )
Aphrodite: ( Olympian )
Ares: ( FILLED )
Hephaestus: ( Olympian )
Persephone: ( Olympian )
Hebe: (Olympian )
The Lesser Gods & Monsters
Panacea: Goddess of Medicine
Chione: Goddess of Winter
Bia: Throne Guard and Goddess of Force
Deimos: God of Terror
Enyo, Deino, Pemphredo: The Gray Sisters
Cratus: Throne Guard and God of Power
Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos: The Fates
Calliope: Muse of Storytelling
Clio: Muse of History
Euterpe: Muse of Music
Erato: Muse of Poetry
Melpomene: Muse of Tragedy
Hymnia: Muse of Hymns
Terpsichore: Muse of Dance
Thalia: Muse of Comedy
Urania: Muse of Science
Nemesis: Goddess of Revenge
Nike: Goddess of Victory
Nyx: Goddess of the Night
Thanatosi: Bringers of Death
Tyche: Goddess of Luck
Zelos: God of Fervor
Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone: The Furies
The Hydra: Monster
The Chimera: Monster
Medusa: Monster
Gorgon: Monster
Harpy: Monster
Centaur: Creature
Cyclops: Creature
Siren: Monster
Nemean Lion: Monster
Orthrus: Monster
Satyr: Creature
Nymph: Creature (each sponsoring produces a different type of Nymph)
Manticore: Monster
Ladon: Monster
Python: Monster
Phoenix: Creature
(As the campaign grows, more options will be available including Roman versions of the Gods, classic variants of the Lesser Gods, mortals and heroes, and even more good stuff)
Roy Westerman
Riverton, UT