Portland Street Playground
Tax deductible

Your contribution would help Team Haverhill "match" the City of Haverhill's $25,000 investment (CDBG funds) toward a complete renovation of Portland Street Playground. The $25,000 being raised by Team Haverhill will be applied to the purchase and installation of new playground equipment"”specifically, new swings and a new multi-activity play structure"”and reinstallation of two existing pieces of equipment (tot slide and climber).
This playground and basketball court serves the Lower Acre, one of the City's least-advantaged neighborhoods. One of our key partners in planning and implementing this project"”Community Action, Inc."”reports that children in this neighborhood have special challenges maintaining a healthy weight; one key benefit of a renovated facility is increased physical activity for children and youth.
Just as important, this project seeks to turn an ugly, neglected, and unsafe public facility into a "Positive Place on Portland Street""”a gathering place for all ages in which residents will take pride, and which they will be able (with ongoing support from Team Haverhill, the Haverhill Community Violence Prevention Coalition, and other agencies) to take care of over time.
Brian Raiche
Haverhill, MA
Team Haverhill Inc (Team Haverhill)