Print 1000 Romanian Qur'ans
Donation protected

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem
As salamu alaykum,
Dear brothers and sisters, we the Edmonton One Community Team are working in partnership with Nottingham Islam Information Point to raise the funds needed to print 1000 Romanian Qur'ans.
In 2013 Nottingham Islam Information Point had 1000 copies of the Qur'an printed in the Romanian language and they have now run out . Alhamdulillah, that means that at least 1000 Romanians have read the Qur'an! This blessing needs to continue.
It is estimated that we have 223,000 Romanians living here in the UK and many of them may be forced to go back home in the next few years due to the Brexit policy. Let's give them the message of Islam by giving those requesting, a copy of the Qur'an in the Romanian language.
Edmonton One Community Team feed the homeless every two weeks in Charing Cross London, alhamdulillah, and can testify to the fact that Qur'ans in the Romanian language are sought after by the Romanian community.
Please help us to bring the Qur'an to the Romanian community in the UK by donating. It costs £3.50 per Qur'an to print in a bulk lot of 1000 totalling £3,500, plus the gofundme fee of 6.4%.
If you are unable to donate, please make dua that we will have success in raising the funding and share, share, share with all of your contacts.
Jazak Allahu Khair
Alliyah Brown
Edmonton One Community Team
Alliyah Brown