Ryan Lill's First Full-Length Album
Donation protected

My name is Ryan Lill and I'm a Singer/Songwriter from Charleston, S.C.
Before things get too sappy and ridiculous, know that I appreciate you taking the time to read this (if you are.) For those of you who know me, I'm a mix between a slightly-less intense version of "crazy eyes" from Orange is the new black, and a really overbearing Taylor Swift fan. I'm funny, or at least I attempt to be, and music is my passion. Always has been, always will be. You're here because I need your money (I mean lets not kid ourselves, that's what this is about.) I would greatly appreciate it if you continue to read, then check out some of my bio pages. Thanks!
Everyone has a back story, filled with twists and turns that have led us to where we all are now. I'm no different, I have a story like most of you. Music is my life. It's the one thing that keeps me sane in this world filled with anxiety. People often ask me what it's like being an "openly gay musician" in today's society. Its a question I've thought long and hard about, attempting to decide the "right" thing to say. I'm gay, yes, but I'm also a musician. Neither define who I am as a human being, but both complete the person that I am. Life is filled with disappointments, acheivements, love, hatred, happiness, and sadness, no matter who you are, what color you are, what gender you are, or what orientation you are.
That's the beauty of music, it see's no difference in people. Music is the one thing that truly connects us all. Sure, there are different types, genres, and sounds, but they are all music. Just like we are all humans. Music has been a constant in my life, grounding me and speaking for me. The constant in life is change, and music changes every hour of every day. I want to be a voice for those who need my music. The kids out there, who like me, were terrified of who they were, what they were doing, and where they would end up. I want to make music for them. Pay it foward, musically. It's my one dream.
I've had setbacks, giant leaps, downfalls, pickups, loses, wins, and dreams made a plenty - but this album takes the cake. I have to get it out of my head, off of paper, into the studio, and out to the world.
I may never be like Taylor Swift, though we all wish we could be that awesome. I just want to make music for the world, for the people out there who need it, and for myself.
@RYANLILLMUSIC on all things social!
Thank you.
Ryan Lill
Summerville, SC