Snowden-Manning Campaign
Donation protected
… is a symbolic assertion of consensus by millions of Americans on how their country can be fixed… especially in light of the federal government’s attacks on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Army Wikileaker Bradley/Chelsea Manning. [Note: the full description appears as a column on the Brian Wright Coffee Coaster Website .]
The object of the fundraising is to develop a robust Website and facilities for blanketing the country in ‘signage’—bumper stickers, t-shirts, coffee cups, lapel pins, banners, brochures, etc.—suggestive of a Snowden-Manning 2020 presidential campaign.

Note: Click on this link to go to the page for buying the above Snowden-Manning bumper sticker.
But instead of supporting any candidacy, the promotionals will point to the Website where—in addition to the S-M materials that will be available—a common-sense 10-point program sets forth how decent, caring American citizens, together, can take back their republic:
The Snowden-Manning 10-Point Program
1) Expose federal crimes: Proceed to clean house by full exposure and disclosure of government-official felony crimes. Special note: Revealing government-official felony crimes shall not be a felony crime.
2) Indict federal criminals: Fully empowered grand juries shall be restored, empaneled by judges, upon citizen-complaint, to investigate and indict criminal activity by government officials and associates.
3) Restore the innocent: No one who has not aggressed upon another person shall be prosecuted, convicted, or imprisoned by government. Release those who have been so harmed, expunge their records, provide restitution.
4) Hard stop Big Brother: Immediately deactivate and defund the DHS, NSA, CIA, TSA; repeal the Patriot Act and indefinite detention of the NDAA, try all officials (for high treason) who enacted such unconstitutional scourges.
5) Shut down the Empire: Reduce military spending 50%/yr. for 10 yrs.; destroy weapons of mass destruction, starting with the US’s; demilitarize/defederalize US law enforcement; strictly adhere to posse comitatus.
6) Enforce the Constitution: Prosecute (those committing) unconstitutional executive orders, due process violations, war crimes, illegal surveillance, drone strikes on civilians, mass imprisonment, and mass murder. (Etc.)
7) End high-crime assaults: Urgently bring before empowered grand juries all parties to suspected high-crime assaults: toxic skies, GMOs, forced medicine, ‘smart’ meters, 9/11 and other false-flags, staged massacres, etc.
8) Defund tyranny: Per uncontested federal law, nonprivileged direct earnings are not income. Stop paying tax on them, NOW! Read Cracking the Code and quit handing to Leviathan the hammer forging your chains.
9) Revive honest living: End monopoly central banks and assess owners for reparations; release wealth-generating bonanza of productive humanity from cartel chokehold; withdraw state privilege from corporations worldwide.
10) Apply First Principles: Per the Declaration of Independence, rights are accorded by Nature and valid governments require voluntary consent. We the people may nonaggressively opt out of rogue states, individually or en masse.
Building Blocks of the Snowden-Manning Program
If the United States can be saved, the above 10 points are essential. And the following three core behaviors—premises of the 10 points—must be learned or relearned widely:
Grand Jury
Probably the most important general structural quality that we the people need to reassert on our way to taking charge. The American grand jury, certainly as developed during colonial times, is rooted in the Magna Carta and provides THE essential tool for people to monitor/prevent general government criminality. It is, indeed, the Hidden 4th Branch of government, which needs to be restored to its highest vantage.
Educated Tax
Elsewhere I’ve referred to Pete Hendrickson’s revolutionary and watershed book, Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America (2003), as The Convenient Truth. The real opportunity of the Hendrickson discovery(s)—namely that the federal income tax is an excise that applies to the exercise of a federal privilege—lies in the fact that the people, by not paying what we don’t owe, effectively boycott Leviathan.
Global Truth Force and Moral Sanction (or deSanction)
Gandhi coined a term ‘Satyagraha’ to mean global truth force, which he conceived as a thrust of human morality against the deception invariably attending and enabling political aggression. The relevant co-concept of Satyagraha is analogous to American First Principles or simply the natural authority of the people to choose their government(s).
The Snowden-Manning Community
Naturally, per Program Point 3, we believe Ed and Chelsea must be restituted. In fact—with their approval—we insist on a ticker-tape parade through downtown Manhattan, with each to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor... bestowed by the ranking executive who remains unconvicted of high treason.
At root though, we want to develop a coalition of tens of millions by election day 2020—to make a "broad public declaration" on that day that we the people are taking charge of our country and letting go of criminal government in a quiet, just, and orderly process.
The form of that declaration is important, and founders of the Website and community are dedicated to open discussion of the most productive alternatives: from a national boycott, a day of public prayer and/or fasting, assembling in person in convention centers around the country to cast virtual votes for a Snowden-Manning symbolic ticket, and other forms of mass civil assertion of restoration of Constitutional liberty or 'opting out' if the gangsters in office choose to persist in their ways.
Here’s to the next iteration of “Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor!”
Note: the origin of the Snowden-Manning political program is the novel by Brian R. Wright, The Truman Prophecy. From the novel, the author also derived the social activist political philosophy of Trumanism. Please visit these links and, if you want to take part in history, join us at Global-Spring.org .
The object of the fundraising is to develop a robust Website and facilities for blanketing the country in ‘signage’—bumper stickers, t-shirts, coffee cups, lapel pins, banners, brochures, etc.—suggestive of a Snowden-Manning 2020 presidential campaign.

Note: Click on this link to go to the page for buying the above Snowden-Manning bumper sticker.
But instead of supporting any candidacy, the promotionals will point to the Website where—in addition to the S-M materials that will be available—a common-sense 10-point program sets forth how decent, caring American citizens, together, can take back their republic:
The Snowden-Manning 10-Point Program
1) Expose federal crimes: Proceed to clean house by full exposure and disclosure of government-official felony crimes. Special note: Revealing government-official felony crimes shall not be a felony crime.
2) Indict federal criminals: Fully empowered grand juries shall be restored, empaneled by judges, upon citizen-complaint, to investigate and indict criminal activity by government officials and associates.
3) Restore the innocent: No one who has not aggressed upon another person shall be prosecuted, convicted, or imprisoned by government. Release those who have been so harmed, expunge their records, provide restitution.
4) Hard stop Big Brother: Immediately deactivate and defund the DHS, NSA, CIA, TSA; repeal the Patriot Act and indefinite detention of the NDAA, try all officials (for high treason) who enacted such unconstitutional scourges.
5) Shut down the Empire: Reduce military spending 50%/yr. for 10 yrs.; destroy weapons of mass destruction, starting with the US’s; demilitarize/defederalize US law enforcement; strictly adhere to posse comitatus.
6) Enforce the Constitution: Prosecute (those committing) unconstitutional executive orders, due process violations, war crimes, illegal surveillance, drone strikes on civilians, mass imprisonment, and mass murder. (Etc.)
7) End high-crime assaults: Urgently bring before empowered grand juries all parties to suspected high-crime assaults: toxic skies, GMOs, forced medicine, ‘smart’ meters, 9/11 and other false-flags, staged massacres, etc.
8) Defund tyranny: Per uncontested federal law, nonprivileged direct earnings are not income. Stop paying tax on them, NOW! Read Cracking the Code and quit handing to Leviathan the hammer forging your chains.
9) Revive honest living: End monopoly central banks and assess owners for reparations; release wealth-generating bonanza of productive humanity from cartel chokehold; withdraw state privilege from corporations worldwide.
10) Apply First Principles: Per the Declaration of Independence, rights are accorded by Nature and valid governments require voluntary consent. We the people may nonaggressively opt out of rogue states, individually or en masse.
Building Blocks of the Snowden-Manning Program
If the United States can be saved, the above 10 points are essential. And the following three core behaviors—premises of the 10 points—must be learned or relearned widely:
Grand Jury
Probably the most important general structural quality that we the people need to reassert on our way to taking charge. The American grand jury, certainly as developed during colonial times, is rooted in the Magna Carta and provides THE essential tool for people to monitor/prevent general government criminality. It is, indeed, the Hidden 4th Branch of government, which needs to be restored to its highest vantage.
Educated Tax
Elsewhere I’ve referred to Pete Hendrickson’s revolutionary and watershed book, Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America (2003), as The Convenient Truth. The real opportunity of the Hendrickson discovery(s)—namely that the federal income tax is an excise that applies to the exercise of a federal privilege—lies in the fact that the people, by not paying what we don’t owe, effectively boycott Leviathan.
Global Truth Force and Moral Sanction (or deSanction)
Gandhi coined a term ‘Satyagraha’ to mean global truth force, which he conceived as a thrust of human morality against the deception invariably attending and enabling political aggression. The relevant co-concept of Satyagraha is analogous to American First Principles or simply the natural authority of the people to choose their government(s).
The Snowden-Manning Community
Naturally, per Program Point 3, we believe Ed and Chelsea must be restituted. In fact—with their approval—we insist on a ticker-tape parade through downtown Manhattan, with each to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor... bestowed by the ranking executive who remains unconvicted of high treason.
At root though, we want to develop a coalition of tens of millions by election day 2020—to make a "broad public declaration" on that day that we the people are taking charge of our country and letting go of criminal government in a quiet, just, and orderly process.
The form of that declaration is important, and founders of the Website and community are dedicated to open discussion of the most productive alternatives: from a national boycott, a day of public prayer and/or fasting, assembling in person in convention centers around the country to cast virtual votes for a Snowden-Manning symbolic ticket, and other forms of mass civil assertion of restoration of Constitutional liberty or 'opting out' if the gangsters in office choose to persist in their ways.
Here’s to the next iteration of “Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor!”
Note: the origin of the Snowden-Manning political program is the novel by Brian R. Wright, The Truman Prophecy. From the novel, the author also derived the social activist political philosophy of Trumanism. Please visit these links and, if you want to take part in history, join us at Global-Spring.org .
Brian Wright
Novi, MI