The Million Dollar Scholars Yr 2
Last year the Million Dollar Scholars of Kagman High School sent 23 students from Saipan to college. These 23 students were able to claim more than 2.5 million dollars in scholarships, including 6 Gates Millenium Scholarships. For each student to attend college, we must raise $1500 as a minimum to pay for a flight, applications, and pre-college expenses. This is the cost just to get a student in a position where he or she can receive financial aid. Our online campaign goal is to raise $6,000 to send 4 of our 26 students with additional support coming from the charitable contributions on Saipan.
It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to send a scholar. We hope you will join us as a financial partner in education. We will post portraits and stories of our scholars regulary so you can see the lives you are changing.
Gerard "Mr. G" van Gils
2017 Teacher of the Year, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands