The Coupon Card
Kelli Thomas Founder TheCouponCard
TheCouponCard Inc.- “Food is a necessity that should be easily accessible”
TheCouponCard 1CARD all YOUR #Coupons useable at ANY STORE + HEALTHY FOOD POINTS !!! Rewards4EatingHealthy!!
25% of ALL DONATIONS will be given back!
We will even post an update here!!
Objective: TheCouponCard intends to be an innovative, cost efficient, and environmentally friendly way to provide convenient quality coupon shopping. We will also be teaching how you can Shop Smarter-Not Harder via YOUTUBE channel and in-store demonstration. With this objective, we intend to target and diminish a modern day growing issue of 1 n 6 hungery/food innsuffient people existing in the U.S. and ultimately globally. Using 1 coupon keeps retailer, warehouse, delivery drivers, farmers, and our economy strong.
Why TheCouponCard? Convenience.
TheCouponCard combines digital, Sunday's Newspaper FSI, and printable paper coupons ALL your coupons on 1Card (usable at ANY STORE ) everywhere you wanna shop. TheCouponCard is similar to Kroger or Publix store reward loyalty card where you are able to have coupons added online and are redeemable at store check out POS systems. These cards are only store specific and can only be used at that store. TheCouponCard will be the “Visa Inifinite” of coupon cards, except unlike credit or debit cards, coupons will be the form of currency.
Why TheCouponCard? CONSUMER
It solves lost savings, saves time/trees, access to more coupons so everyone can buy more and healthier food, TheCouponCard will be able to be used at any store and save tons of time at the register YEA!
Why TheCouponCard? CORPORATE
On the corporation side, this would solve: lost profits, part of $400B we threw away, and counterfeiting it's a felony but still big business. With over $750M + yr copied paper coupons, consumer traceability for brand specific P&G, Valassis etc.
MasterCard Worldwide http://paymentinnovations.net/pdf/2012/october-presentations/MasterCard_Dan_Butler.pdf
Statista.com, total value of distributed CPG coupons in the U.S. $ 470B 2015 distrubution per Juniper Research, yet we are only using 1% / $47Billion 90% of all coupons are being throw away ?!? That's alot of almost free food!!95% of all coupons FSI and are still clipped!
43% of smartphone ownrs use their device in-store
We live in the age of technology and the consumer need for everything digital is inceasing. Nearly half of the adult U.S. population redeemed an electronic coupon (2011 eMarketer estimate). Big appetite for digitized coupons, offers and rewards , digital coupons are already being used in a big way!
TheCouponCard #StartUP We need funding! Why fund us?
The future is here let's SaveTrees/Time!
We are attempting to revolutionize the coupon shopping experience by creating a convenient form of shopping that will be as easy as swiping a card to access coupons at all of your favorite stores.
We are essentially using the billions of dollars that are being placed into coupons as a form of currency for all demographics and all socioeconomic backgrounds. We recognize that the shopping experience is in a revolutionary stage and we want to be innovative in our approach to help those in need of nutrition.
U.S. Retailers spent $220M on mobile in 2011 – only 0.15% of their total advertising budget 69% of retail executives said mobile is an important strategic initiative Technology is evolving fast… Are business models?
• $43 billion in mobile coupon redemption globally by 2016 perJuniper Research with 8% Growth 2016
Digital Coupons + Mobile Payments = Merchant Opportunity!
Funds will go for the following
2. Secure IP
3. Domain & Website
4. Bring concept to Market
5. Software development.
6. Bring onboard our VC Benjamin Novak MLL https://www.morganlewis.com/bios/bnovak
(he will commit after physical card is made)!!
7. Online Account w/printable custom grocery list.
8. Misc.
Kelli Thomas, FOUNDER
Twitter @Krazyskibunnie