Publishing my book: The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation
\"Where is my father? Why isn't he here? Does he love me? These are only a few of the questions that flowed constantly through my mind as a young child. See, I never knew my father; the first time I saw my father was at his funeral. I remember it as if it were yesterday. As the coffin descended into the ground, any possible chance of a long desired relationship with my father vanished before my eyes. I was fourteen then. For the majority of my life I have battled many demons in an attempt to come to grips with the fact that I have never and will never know my father.\"
The preceding passage is an excerpt from the first chapter of my book \"The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation.\" I have through both, experiential observation and academic study, witnessed the devastating force of IFS (The Invisible Father Syndrome). I know first hand the lasting affect of living in the absence of a father. Fighting to overcome my own pain due to not knowing my father has ignited a passion that burns deep and flows perpetually. This passion is to ignite a movement where men are inspired to fulfill their filial responsibilities. As a Christian minister I decided to address this issue from a biblical perspective. By donating you are directly helping me to compel men to step into their roles as fathers as well as reach out to those who are plagued by the affects of being fatherless. You are also helping me share what I have learned to personally overcome mentally, emotionally, spiritually and lead a successful, free, and fulfilled life. Your donations will pay for: printing, publishing and binding of \"The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation.\" (See below for a complete list of details)
What you will find below is a service letter from Addison & Craft; a small publishing company that has offered to provide complete publishing services up to printing the first 50 books for a relatively small fee in comparison to the self publishing companies I\'ve researched. Once this fee has been paid, the book and all rights to it will belong completely to me, allowing me to autonomously fund this as well as other ministerial projects I have in the works.
AddisonCraft Publishing LLC.
12620 FM 1960 W
Ste. A4, Box 216
Houston, Texas 77065
November 28, 2010
Rick Wallace
PO BOX 202074
Austin, Texas 78720
Thank you for your interest in AddisonCraft. Per your request, we have attached a copy of our consultation charges and fees. Please review them. Once we have received your initial deposit, we will send you a Project Plan, which would include a structural breakdown and timeline for your project. Feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to working with you.
Felecha Addison-Williams
Rick Wallace Project
Breakdown of Charges:
Content Editing - $550 (Estimated Pages: 220 @ $2.50/page)
Our editorial team will check for grammatical and structural problems, content, formatting, and storyline flow.
Cover Design - $400
This fee will allot for cover photo shoot, picture editing, graphic design, and typesetting of cover.
Photo Shoot :::::::::::.$150.00
Picture Editing ::::::::::.$150.00
Cover Design::::::::::...$200.00
ISBN Number & Barcode - $150
This will cover the charge for one ISBN number and one barcode.
Novel Typesetting - $100
This fee will cover our cost to typeset and prepare your novel for printing.
Printing & Shipping - $325.36 (50 Books)
This is the charge to print 50, 6x9 copies or your book. We recommend using a soft cover version of your book, versus hard cover, as they have a higher payback ratio, and are cheaper to print.
TOTAL PRICE: 1,525.36
Your balance is broken up into three payment plans, 1/3 upon start of project, 1/3 at midway point, and 1/3 upon completion.
It is my goal to have this project completed and off the presses by the beginning of June 2011. In order to do this I need to have the process started no later than April 6, 2011.
For all who are willing to help in this endeavor, I am extremely appreciative. I invite you to visit my website to learn more about me at www.rickwallaceministries.com or follow me face book @ www.facebook.com/rickwallace.
*Please note that all funds that exceed the original fundraising goal will be allocated to the second phase of the project which is marketing and branding of the book. For anyone wishing to become more directly involved in this project, please feel free to contact me at [email redacted] or [phone redacted]. Any assistance in any area will be greatly appreciated.
I believe that a great ministry will be performed through this book as we work toward the monumental task of reversing the curse of a fatherless generation.
Once again, I thank all who will plant a seed into this ministry and project. May you be blessed.
Bishop Rick Wallace
Founder & President
Rick Wallace Ministries
100 Men of Purpose