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Hey yall, 

My wonderful tabby cat, Toulouse, needs some help. 
Painful urethral obstructions (common in male cats) have plagued him over the past few months. It seems that, aside from putting him down, our best option is to pay for a perineal urethostomy. This procedure would widen his urethra and prevent further complications. 
I work 70 hour weeks as a waitress to support both myself and my father on a tip based income. This medical bill is financially impossible for me to shoulder on my own.
I draw a great deal of strength from this wonderful cat. Coming home to a warm, trusting creature who waits by the door and then refuses to leave my side...is a constant comfort. He has gotten me through so much, and I would love, more than anything else, to return the favor. 

Any help is greatly appreciated. 


Wems Wemms
Washington D.C., DC

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