Trauma recovery fund
Hi everyone! I'm making this in response to popular request.
I need assistance in raising money to afford a trauma specialist for my C/PTSD and cumulative trauma from both interpersonal abuse and institutional betrayal and retaliation.
I've done a lot of work independently and I've learned enough that I need the assistance of a professional, which as been unavailable to me thanks to financial and workplace abuse.
I've been trying to get help for a while, but it's been increasingly difficult to keep up. Since my last job cut off my health care suddenly, I haven't been had any coverage to heal from the mental and physical impact. I've been denied assistance during covid and while I'm able to scrape by, it's not enough to be able to truly invest in trauma recovery.
Costs will go to mental health care—plus housing and food to reduce the amount of time I waste seeking income.
Any bit helps. Thank you for even considering; it means a lot.
In solidarity,
P.S. I've been inspired by my own experience to share what I've learned about the price of being a survivor to help others understand the long-lasting impact of sexual violence. Here's a sampling:
- the economic impact of me surviving campus sexual assault and not getting any help [Yale Law Journal ]
- Infographic on campus sexual assault's impact on a victim's education and career [my blog ]
- What happens after college students are sexually assaulted? [my blog]