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Latest message from the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light on  2018

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
from Planetary Activation Organization  7-10-2018

The energies that emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. This global consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume of energy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these new frequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia's new consciousness grid, lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light for all to see.
Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness). We return to speak with you about many events unfolding around your globe. Your world is caught in a war between good and evil. For 13 millennia, the dark cabal has been in control of your planet. With the new strategies we have provided our Earth allies, now called the Alliance, the tides have turned: the dark is losing its power while the Alliance continues to gain momentum. All the dark cabal has left is the ability to cause vexing delays, which soon will cease as well. The dark is in serious difficulty because it is running out of ways to delude the masses. The Alliance, gradually and at its own pace, is bringing about extraordinary alterations in the world.
We have shared with the Alliance one of our successful strategies, which we refer to as Fluid Group Dynamics. This strategy tends to confuse the cabal because their style of operation is more static. The Alliance is now using this fluid method to resolve all the problems confronting your world. When each individual's talents are applied to a particular problem, group leaders change constantly, depending upon the areas of expertise required. Now, as the egotistic cabal faces their demise, they are beginning to turn on one another. Because Fluid Dynamics is not based on the ego, group members are able to work cooperatively. Increasing successes are confirming the efficacy of this strategy.
Changes to government, to the global banking and currency network, to world peace and to the world’s economic systems are merely the early stages in manifesting your prophesied galactic society. The unveiling of suppressed technologies will provide impetus to the paradigm shift that is in progress. These new technologies will supply the means for Gaia’s restoration, which will include clean air, clean water, fertile soil. You, also, will reap the benefits of restored health from vibrational technology, anti-gravity transportation, teleportation, telepathy and a host of other astounding and life-altering innovations. When we arrive on your shores, we will bring even more thrilling technologies.
The energies that emanate from the Galactic core are awakening the people of Gaia. This global consciousness awakening is what the cabal fears the most. The volume of energy pouring in from the throne of the Creator is immeasurable! As these new frequencies become integrated and anchored in Gaia’s new consciousness grid, lies and greed can no longer hold sway. Truth is emerging into the Light for all to see. Some of these truths will unhinge the public. They are the uglier side of what the cabal has created throughout the centuries. This is a time when the Starseeds and Lightworkers are called upon to help. Your understanding of the ascension process will be vastly needed to calm the masses. Prepare yourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!

Greetings. We are your Ascended Masters. A new realm is dawning. We ask you to remain patient since an imponderable number of marvelous events is being readied to be revealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A most gracious blessing is being bestowed upon us all. You must often feel that what you have been working for is farther away than it actually is. That, in 3-D terms, the life manifesting before you is a fact when, in actuality, it is pure illusion. Often it can seem as if your promised prosperity and world peace are never going to manifest. We are here to tell you that they are closer than they appear in the light of unfolding world events.
The cabal is reeling from the consciousness growth anchored by Gaia's people into the new energy grid of Light. It has assumed a momentum that ensures its Victory. We descended from the bliss of full consciousness into a realm beset by horrors. Despite this adversity/unfavorable turn, the Anunnaki and their minions failed to obliterate our most sacred thoughts. We retained our memories. Our divine service as Ascended Masters has always been to grant you mercy and succor from the depredations of the dark.
Over the past few decades, you have watched your lives held seemingly in limbo, as those who work for the Light sought how best to restore the right and natural order of this realm. A plan exists to restore the old ways of Lemuria and make rubble of the tyranny employed by the cabal that has kept you enslaved for millennia. It is to merge all of you into the greater community of Love, Light and mutual caring! It is destined to bring you closer to understanding the glorious realm of your desire, to helping others and to attaining the joy of inner achievements. To that end, you are to expand in consciousness and grow in grace. Hosanna in the highest!!!
Today, we brought you another message about what is developing on your world. You are on the verge of things that, on one level, are deeply longed for but that, on another, will be truly shocking to many. Rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding around you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, more and more of you are waking up to a new reality, where the interactions with us is becoming more and more experiential, tangible and visible.

If you are reading these words, you have been visiting our Starships in your sleep time, to connect and re-unite with your Galactic family of Light.

Consider these visitations on board our ships as an exercise for a more conscious experience for you, at a later point.

When you are on board our craft, you are able to get accustomed to our energies, the atmosphere and the way we interact and communicate.

Our communications with you are telepathic, which you can compare to an “echoing inside your mind.” Your thoughts are transmitted to us also this way.

What you experience as thoughts, however, are only a fraction of what is actually happening.

Your thoughts are holographic energy forms and are radiating outward into infinity. This enables Higher Dimensional Beings to perceive your thoughts easily.

This is why, when you are asking a higher dimensional beings like us, Angels or Ascended Master a question, you will find that we have answered your question before you were able to finish your thought.

If you wish to connect with us more and begin your journey of a tangible and more conscious interaction with us, simply keep inviting us with your thoughts on a regular basis.

This sets an important process in motion, to prepare you by releasing any old thought patterns that might be in your way of connecting with us on a deeper level.

We are with you… always.

We love you.

We are you.


Thank You, Galactic Council of Light!:-)


The Blue Avians by Galaxygirl, July, 2018
Blue Avians via www.BreakingREALnews.Com

We are the Blue Avian Beings. We have come to share our energy signatures and to further your awareness of us. Perhaps we shall begin with a story so that our channel becomes more acquainted with our energy.
In the beginning all was light, all was Source, the great mystery. As Source decided to expand and appreciate various aspects of itself, worlds were formed, peoples created, civilizations lost and found, adventures began. Consciousness by its very nature is expansion. Creation and the process of it is a deeply personal one. For what one creates one is responsible for, in a way. We Blue Avians feel perhaps beholden to humanity, for we have inserted our consciousness, we have observed your genetic experiments, we have been a part of shaping of your ancient societies such as in Egypt, and we feel as if we know you. For we have seen the traumatic ups and downs of your many societal revolutions and remaking and we have observed with keen interest the resilience and unbreakable passion of the human spirit, and the interplay with the twisting of the ego. You have been embroiled for millennia. We have known you and observed your kind for millennia.
It is time that we begin to make our presence known to those on your world, for we come in peace of course, to offer creative solutions and to assist with elevation of consciousness. For where Earth goes, the galaxy follows. Earth is an integrative, integral piece of the grand puzzle of creation in this sector and many many worlds and civilizations would be affected negatively if you do not succeed. And so succeed you will. We Blue Avians offer our technologies, our wisdom and understanding of our own scientific observations of your species and we offer you our spirit of creative assistance. We will not interfere, we could not, for we respect the Law Of One and we abide by it. Non-interference is the prime directive that we closely adhere to and respect / honor. And of course we honor your free will. This is why we are making our presence known to those of you who are awakened so that you may choose to put your awareness out to us so that we might assist you more directly.
Many of you have your soul roots within that of our own civilization. May we remind you that you are multidimensional beings currently experiencing a grand interplay of realities / worlds / parallels of you, and that it is time to integrate these into your field with love. Love and respect shall be the cornerstones for Nova Gaia. Start with building your lives with these as your cornerstones and ascension shall follow. You have many questions of us we see. We are relatively new to your awareness. You, humanity, have been within our field of awareness and compassion for quite some time and we are here in friendship to offer our services for your collective betterment. That is all. We are are the Blue Avian Beings.


To FEEL better read Loud the following:

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. The center of my Universe is the Threefold Flame in my Heart. My Universe consists of every person, place, condition and thing in my life, conscious or unconscious, past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability. Within my Heart Flame I have the ability to Love my Universe FREE of all lower energies and thus I set myself FREE. Simultaneously, I assist every other point in my Universe to move forward in the Light.

With this affirmation, I invoke the full Cosmic Force of the new frequencies of the Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame into the Threefold Flame in my Heart. I now visualize myself in the center of my Universe with every person, place, condition or thing in orbit around my Heart Flame, some close, some at a great distance. I visualize each one receiving the uplifting frequencies of the new Resurrection Flame as it flows through my Heart Flame. In every case, this powerful Resurrection Flame is a greater force than any negative energy associated with that person, place, condition or thing. I AM now Loving FREE every point in my Universe, from its center, which is my Heart Flame. I remain in this elevated state of consciousness, and I affirm with deep feeling:

I AM the center of my Universe.

I AM a Force of God’s Resurrection Flame to all points in my Universe.

I AM a Master over every vibration less than Divine Love.

I AM Free. . . I AM Free. . . I AM Eternally Free.

My Father-Mother God now envelop me in the most exquisite frequencies of the new Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame. This Sacred Fire begins Resurrecting my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies into the full embrace of my I AM Presence.

I breathe in deeply again and suddenly I feel the Resurrection Flame lifting me into higher and higher frequencies of Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance. I pierce into the core of purity within each and every one of these celestial patterns, and the splendor of these glorious expressions of the New Earth permeate my Being.

A new level of Divine Wisdom is being Resurrected within my heart and mind. In a flash of Enlightenment I know, and fully understand…

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

"I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of Humanity and Mother Earth"

And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.


 i am @ your service!

I am another You = NAMASTE



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    • $5
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    • $11
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Ashtar R. Sheran
Los Angeles, CA

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