Start-up fund for Aevidum at L-S
Donation protected
Aevidum has come to Lampeter-Strasburg High School!
What is Aevidum, you might be wondering?
Statistics show:
* A survey conducted last August by the American Psychological Association found many teens report being overwhelmed or depressed because of their high stress levels.
* According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Of children ages 9 to 17, 21 percent have a diagnosable mental or addictive disorder that causes at least minimal impairment.
* Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
* Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University
Bullying, mental health issues, and suicidal ideation are not limited to one group of students based on culture, race, sex, age, socio/economic status, school rank, popularity level, or any other factor. All students are prone to becoming one of these statistics.
About Aevidum:
Aevidum's goal is to create positive mental health environments where all students feel accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for in schools and communities across the nation. It is the hope that in creating these positive environments and reaching out to students, these statistics will decline.
The word Aevidum was created from the Latin root “vid” (meaning life) and is an expression of assurance to another person meaning, “I have your back.” It was created by students at Cocalico High School in 2004 after their classmate died by suicide.
The Aevidum message is delivered creatively through a series of student-generated materials, interactive displays, high-energy assemblies, community events, music, artwork, stories, PSAs, etc. In 2009, Aevidum received SADD’s National Activity of the Year award. Learn more at the Official Aevidum website .
On October 29, 2014, nearly 200 students and staff representing 34 different Lancaster, Lebanon, Berks, and York County schools met at Zoetropolis Art House in Lancaster to kickoff Aevidum's newest and largest initiative, Let's Talk, Pennsylvania!
Among them were six L-S students (from both Martin Meylin Middle School and L-S High School) and three staff members with the goal to learn more about Aevidum and bring it's message home
Lancaster online covered the event. Read more about it: Students from across central Pennsylvania kick off mental health campaign Then watch Stephanie Grace sings "The Talk" for an inside look at the event.
January 16, 2015 marked the first meeting of the Aevidum Club at L-S High School.

Our Goal:
1) Get established in the High School and help promote the qualities of accepting, appreciating, acknowledging and caring for others.
Current projects include:
* Hands Across the School - Hands will be hung around the school, each bearing the name of one student or staff member, to show the acknowledgement of all who spend time there.

*Locker Initiative - a locker has been decorated and designated as a safe place for students to share concerns for themselves or another student when they do not feel comfortable coming directly to an adult for help. The locker is monitored by the guidance department.

*Lunch Safe Table - Lunch time can be one of the most stressful times for students throughout the day. Some days a student may find themselves without someone to sit with or needing a change due to issues with students at the table where they normally sit. The Aevidum tables were set up to designate a safe place for students in these situations to sit. In turn, if members from the Aevidum club see someone sitting at one of these tables, they have the opportunity to reach out and "have their back" by sitting with them.
* Positive Post-It Notes - This project begins on the bathroom mirrors where students tend to spend time judging themselves most harshly. Positive post-it notes to redirect their thoughts in a more positive direction and let them know someone cares will be posted on the mirrors. Within time this project will spread into the cafeteria, classrooms, locker rooms, and other areas that students need a change of focus or pat on the back.
2) The Aevidum club at the High School would like to branch out into the other schools within the district by promoting a positive mental health environment in Lampeter and Hans Herr Elementary Schools and assisting the Martin Meylin Middle School Aevidum club in their efforts. Student liaisons will be assigned to each school and will help create projects, visuals, and events to promote the core values of Aevidum.
The Bold Future of Aevidum at L-S High School:
The students at L-S High School have been busy on their current projects and planning future projects which include:
- Sponsorship of Buddy Benches at the Elementary Schools: students who feel lonely on the playground without anyone to play with can go to the buddy bench, and another student will come to the bench and ask if they want to play or talk.

- Purchase of a Service Dog/Facility Dog for the High School: Research has shown that the presence of an animal and act of petting one can promote feelings of well-being, easing anxiety and depression. A dog can also improve students' level of comfort when talking with a counselor, teach responsibility, aid students with self-regulation, and improve students' social skills.

- Creation of a Mental Health Awareness Expo/Family Day for May 2016: This will be a community event encouraging positive interactions amongst all members while also providing information on mental health issues, in addition to highlighting places where students and families can seek help and connection that are aligned with Aevidum's concepts. A 5k run, games, and food will all be part of the day's events.
We need your help!
As a club just starting out we have relied on using our own resources. This has been sufficient for the projects we started with. However, the club has big dreams which require finances and resources well beyond our current situation. We would greatly appreciate any donation you have to offer.
The funds will go directly to projects that will benefit ALL students in the high school and eventually ALL students in the other schools within the district. Aevidum has no bounderies and are not focused on any one group of students. Our mission is to create an environment where ALL students feel accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for. Everyone is welcome to participate in the club. We want "I've got your back" to be known throughout the halls, and for students' to feel this is true. Please help us see this dream come to light.
How You Can You Help:
• Contribute today. GoFundMe runs from April 27-May 6, 2015. Give graciously, generously, and to the fullest extent that you can. Invest in students' emotional and mental health today so that they can go on to lead healthy lives in the future and leave behind a positive footprint for others to follow.
In addition to the gofundme page, cash or check donations can be made directly to the club. Checks should be made payable to: Aevidum L-S. They can be dropped off at the high school office, or mailed to:
c/o Lampeter-Strasburg High School
1600 book Road
PO Box 428
Lampeter, PA 17537
• Make some noise! Ask your family, friends, and co-workers to help spread the word about our Aevidum at Lampeter-Strasburg High School campaign on gofundme. Check out gofundme's easy to use share tools above and below. Every little bit helps. By sharing you help our fundraising efforts, but more importantly, you help to get our message out to the community at large.
• Stay connected. Check back often as our story and campaign unfolds! Connect with Aevidum at Lampeter-Strasburg High School Facebook and Twitter .
How else can you help?
You can join us at our Isaac's (May 3rd) and/or Chick-fil-A (May 18-23rd) restaurant fundraisers.
Make sure to bring a print out copy of the flyer below with you. Digital copies shown on your phone are also acceptable at both places.

Take the Aevidum Pledge and post it where others can see to show your support of students....

The students of Aevidum thank you for your support!
What is Aevidum, you might be wondering?
Statistics show:
* A survey conducted last August by the American Psychological Association found many teens report being overwhelmed or depressed because of their high stress levels.
* According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Of children ages 9 to 17, 21 percent have a diagnosable mental or addictive disorder that causes at least minimal impairment.
* Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
* Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University
Bullying, mental health issues, and suicidal ideation are not limited to one group of students based on culture, race, sex, age, socio/economic status, school rank, popularity level, or any other factor. All students are prone to becoming one of these statistics.
About Aevidum:
Aevidum's goal is to create positive mental health environments where all students feel accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for in schools and communities across the nation. It is the hope that in creating these positive environments and reaching out to students, these statistics will decline.
The word Aevidum was created from the Latin root “vid” (meaning life) and is an expression of assurance to another person meaning, “I have your back.” It was created by students at Cocalico High School in 2004 after their classmate died by suicide.
The Aevidum message is delivered creatively through a series of student-generated materials, interactive displays, high-energy assemblies, community events, music, artwork, stories, PSAs, etc. In 2009, Aevidum received SADD’s National Activity of the Year award. Learn more at the Official Aevidum website .
On October 29, 2014, nearly 200 students and staff representing 34 different Lancaster, Lebanon, Berks, and York County schools met at Zoetropolis Art House in Lancaster to kickoff Aevidum's newest and largest initiative, Let's Talk, Pennsylvania!
Among them were six L-S students (from both Martin Meylin Middle School and L-S High School) and three staff members with the goal to learn more about Aevidum and bring it's message home
Lancaster online covered the event. Read more about it: Students from across central Pennsylvania kick off mental health campaign Then watch Stephanie Grace sings "The Talk" for an inside look at the event.
January 16, 2015 marked the first meeting of the Aevidum Club at L-S High School.

Our Goal:
1) Get established in the High School and help promote the qualities of accepting, appreciating, acknowledging and caring for others.
Current projects include:
* Hands Across the School - Hands will be hung around the school, each bearing the name of one student or staff member, to show the acknowledgement of all who spend time there.

*Locker Initiative - a locker has been decorated and designated as a safe place for students to share concerns for themselves or another student when they do not feel comfortable coming directly to an adult for help. The locker is monitored by the guidance department.

*Lunch Safe Table - Lunch time can be one of the most stressful times for students throughout the day. Some days a student may find themselves without someone to sit with or needing a change due to issues with students at the table where they normally sit. The Aevidum tables were set up to designate a safe place for students in these situations to sit. In turn, if members from the Aevidum club see someone sitting at one of these tables, they have the opportunity to reach out and "have their back" by sitting with them.
* Positive Post-It Notes - This project begins on the bathroom mirrors where students tend to spend time judging themselves most harshly. Positive post-it notes to redirect their thoughts in a more positive direction and let them know someone cares will be posted on the mirrors. Within time this project will spread into the cafeteria, classrooms, locker rooms, and other areas that students need a change of focus or pat on the back.
2) The Aevidum club at the High School would like to branch out into the other schools within the district by promoting a positive mental health environment in Lampeter and Hans Herr Elementary Schools and assisting the Martin Meylin Middle School Aevidum club in their efforts. Student liaisons will be assigned to each school and will help create projects, visuals, and events to promote the core values of Aevidum.
The Bold Future of Aevidum at L-S High School:
The students at L-S High School have been busy on their current projects and planning future projects which include:
- Sponsorship of Buddy Benches at the Elementary Schools: students who feel lonely on the playground without anyone to play with can go to the buddy bench, and another student will come to the bench and ask if they want to play or talk.

- Purchase of a Service Dog/Facility Dog for the High School: Research has shown that the presence of an animal and act of petting one can promote feelings of well-being, easing anxiety and depression. A dog can also improve students' level of comfort when talking with a counselor, teach responsibility, aid students with self-regulation, and improve students' social skills.

- Creation of a Mental Health Awareness Expo/Family Day for May 2016: This will be a community event encouraging positive interactions amongst all members while also providing information on mental health issues, in addition to highlighting places where students and families can seek help and connection that are aligned with Aevidum's concepts. A 5k run, games, and food will all be part of the day's events.
We need your help!
As a club just starting out we have relied on using our own resources. This has been sufficient for the projects we started with. However, the club has big dreams which require finances and resources well beyond our current situation. We would greatly appreciate any donation you have to offer.
The funds will go directly to projects that will benefit ALL students in the high school and eventually ALL students in the other schools within the district. Aevidum has no bounderies and are not focused on any one group of students. Our mission is to create an environment where ALL students feel accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for. Everyone is welcome to participate in the club. We want "I've got your back" to be known throughout the halls, and for students' to feel this is true. Please help us see this dream come to light.
How You Can You Help:
• Contribute today. GoFundMe runs from April 27-May 6, 2015. Give graciously, generously, and to the fullest extent that you can. Invest in students' emotional and mental health today so that they can go on to lead healthy lives in the future and leave behind a positive footprint for others to follow.
In addition to the gofundme page, cash or check donations can be made directly to the club. Checks should be made payable to: Aevidum L-S. They can be dropped off at the high school office, or mailed to:
c/o Lampeter-Strasburg High School
1600 book Road
PO Box 428
Lampeter, PA 17537
• Make some noise! Ask your family, friends, and co-workers to help spread the word about our Aevidum at Lampeter-Strasburg High School campaign on gofundme. Check out gofundme's easy to use share tools above and below. Every little bit helps. By sharing you help our fundraising efforts, but more importantly, you help to get our message out to the community at large.
• Stay connected. Check back often as our story and campaign unfolds! Connect with Aevidum at Lampeter-Strasburg High School Facebook and Twitter .
How else can you help?
You can join us at our Isaac's (May 3rd) and/or Chick-fil-A (May 18-23rd) restaurant fundraisers.
Make sure to bring a print out copy of the flyer below with you. Digital copies shown on your phone are also acceptable at both places.

Take the Aevidum Pledge and post it where others can see to show your support of students....

The students of Aevidum thank you for your support!
Kristin Glass
Lampeter, PA