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AJ Soars

Donación protegida
"As a kid, I always thought that I could move a mountain with one push. But over the past week, I have learned that with "help" that mountain moves much easier." -Adrian

Many have asked how they can help support our family. To this end, it was suggested to set up a GoFundMe account for AJ which allows people like YOU to donate to us. All donations made on this site go directly to us and anything helps. No contribution is too small. 

About AJ:
On June 18, AJ appeared scatter brained, imbalanced and had slurred speech. After being seen by the pediatrician, she sent us directly to the ER. After blood work and a CT scan, we waited for results. The doctors determined that there was a mass (tumor) in his brain stem. He was immediately admitted into Wolfson's hospital where he then had an MRI and more bloodwork completed. Later, the experts came around and gave us the details about the tumor also known as DIPG.
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma is a cancerous tumor that embeds itself in the pons of the brain stem. Because the brainstem is the center of all essential functions for life, surgery is too risky and not an option.

We were completely devastated when doctors gave us a prognosis of 5-9% survival rate. As of now, he has been placed on daily radiation for 6- 8 weeks. We then have the option to seek eligibility for a medical study. Most importantly we ask that you keep us in your prayers because God works miracles and we believe that AJ is a miracle. Medicine can only go so far, but we know that God can heal him.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts, generosity, and prayers for our son Adrian "AJ".  #ajsoars#prayperformpersist

-filled with faith, hope and optimism.
Adrian and Angela Peterson


  • Eve's Melan
    • $200
    • 9 yrs


Angela Bailey Peterson
Gainesville, FL

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe