Burrito the Wonder Pup!
Browncoat Cat Rescue exists to make the world a better place.
So when a good Samaritan found a tiny puppy abandoned in a parking lot on a 90 degree day, he didn't hesitate to bring him home. Due to the pup's small size, and malnourished state, he reached out for help. And when BCR heard about the puppy, there was no question that he would get the help he needed!
At 26 days, Burrito was barely a pound. He was malnourished, dehydrated, and having seizures. Insult to injury, his tail was broken.
He got immediate vet care, and is receiving round the clock attention. He's currently being fed every hour, and is already making great strides! He's keeping on his weight, and is more alert by the day.
Burrito the Wonder Wookie is an amazing and spirited pup. He deserves the absolute best shot at life he can get.
Please help support his road to recovery. It will increase the number of adorable puppy pictures you get to see!
Burrito has two pages devoted to him: http://browncoatcatrescue.weebly.com/burrito-twp.html
Follow all his adventures!
If you go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQWKtZ4AORU
you can watch Burrito have second breakfast. Or is it elevenses?