Fund 2 Chip Journalists' Trip to BRKfest
Leah Oakes and Bertrand Guérin-Williams are two journalists covering the chiptune scene who live on opposite coasts in the US. They need your help to get them to BRKfest 2014 (an annual chiptune festival held in Cincinatti, Ohio which takes place from July 25-27, 2014) to bring you some awesome coverage on it!
Leah has written numerous articles for the popular Chiptunes=WIN blog including the Chip Treatment series and numerous event recaps and previews, all of which you can read here. She's from California and rarely gets to go to the numerous chiptune concerts and events along the East Coast and Midwest of the United States. She'd love to get some live coverage of the event for the blog (daily recaps and other articles), but can't afford the trip to BRK. She'd love to put her Journalism minor to work, and you can help her get that awesome content onto the internet and into your eyeholes by donating!
Bertrand Guérin-Williams is an English major from Virginia just starting to dip his toe into journalism. He's been writing chiptunes and reviewing albums for a year and is about to publish his first public review on The Waveform Generators blog on July 9. He's planned a few interviews at BRKfest (his first for Chiptunes=WIN) and would be co-hosting recaps with Leah at the festival, as well. These would be the first pieces of writing he's published and would really love the opportunity to do so!
WISH LIST: Glenn Dubois is the founder of Clipstream, a chiptune concert live-streaming website, and runs a tight ship over there. He missed last year's BRKfest due to illness, and really wants to attend to represent Clipstream. He already has plans for video interviews in place regardless of his attendance, but would love to attend the festival to host said interviews personally. If at least $300 are donated over the goal, that money will be given to Glenn to buy a plane ticket and attend the festival.
The budget breakdown looks like this:
$530 - Plane Ticket for Leah (CA > Lexington, KY)
$40 - Gas to/from Carlisle, PA for Bert
$30 - Gas to/from Carlisle, PA and Cincinatti, OH
$100 - Hotel
$200 - Misc. costs
Leah has no lodging costs, because she'll be staying with friends in Kentucky who live 45 minutes from the venue.
Bertrand will be driving to Carlisle and, from there, carpool with 3-4 other chip friends to Cincinatti and back. He'll be staying with them and 6-7 others in a hotel in Cincinatti (which costs so much because of other events going on in Cincinatti at the time).
If this campaign doesn't raise enough money for either Leah or Bertrand to get to BRKfest OR if less than $300 are donated beyond the original $900 goal, whatever money is raised will be donated to Child's Play, a charity both Leah and Bertrand chose.