Support BETA Teen Moms and Babies
Tax deductible

Every child deserves to have their basic needs met, particularly teen moms and their babies. Over the past 30 years, BETA Center has served thousands of teen moms and babies, and if the walls could talk, they would tell you about the positive impact BETA Center has made for so many Central Florida families.
If BETA Center's walls could talk, they would tell you by stabilizing and strengthening families, and their support systems, BETA Center keeps teens from slipping further into crisis. An alarming number of pregnant/parenting youth are forced to leave home because of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. In Orlando, these teens are turning to BETA Center for a safe, supportive place to live while they continue their high school education and their babies receive developmental child care on-site.
But if BETA Center's walls could talk, they would tell you of our tremendous facility needs to maintain our 38,000 sq ft facility. To provide adequate service to our teen moms and their babies, we must ensure 24 A/C units, commercial refrigerators, cooktop ranges, dishwashers, 21-bed residence, 12 classrooms, and 10 day care rooms are in working order. After daily use, these facilities begin to wear down.
As you spruce up your own home in preparation of the holidays, consider donating toward BETA Center's facility needs and assist us in giving our residents the best possible facilities this holiday and into the coming year.
Whether you can give $20 or $200, every dollar is much appreciated by BETA Center's moms!
Beta Ctr
Orlando, FL
Beta Center Inc (B E T A)